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Slimming and Abdomen Slimming Abdomen Slim Capsules (60.00 g)

  • Product Code: 577
  • Gross weight: 60.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
897RUB 897 р.

Loss of fat on the abdomen is not an easy feat. Usually the process of losing weight in the abdomen and waist area requires that you work hard and pay close attention to your daily habits. You might think that training for hours on end is the best way to lose excess fat on your stomach, but it's not true. You can lose belly fat without exercising at all with slimming capsules in the abdomen and waist area. Rangsit Abdomen Slim No Yo-Yo Effect.
Fat on the stomach, also known as visceral fat, is considered the most harmful form of obesity. This type of fat affects everything in the body, which is associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, with an increased risk of developing certain types of oncology.
Slimming capsules Rangsit Abdomen Slim No Yo-Yo Effect are made on 100% herbal basis of black pepper, galangal. The manufacturer guarantees that after taking the capsules for weight loss, the weight will not return back, that is, the effect of Yo-Yo is excluded.
Not all people who could get rid of extra pounds, can for a long time enjoy a fine figure. Many are experiencing an unpleasant problem, or rather the effect of yo-yo. This concept determines the fluctuations in body weight, that is, the reverse weight gain after a decrease, often to a greater extent than before it began to lose weight.
One of the most common causes of the yo-yo effect is too much weight loss. Diets are a big shock to the body, so after that he stores excess fat, if you start starving again. Moreover, a very restrictive diet leads to a slowing of metabolism, as well as to hormonal imbalance, which also contributes to the accumulation of fat after returning to a normal diet. Precisely because taking Rangsit Abdomen Slim No Yo-Yo Effect capsules not only speeds up metabolism, but also does not keep the body in a state of hunger and stress, weight goes smoothly and competently, without the risk of reverse dialing.
Rangsit Abdomen Slim No Yo-Yo Effect contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, and also gives a feeling of satiety, thereby preventing snacks and overeating.
How to use: 2 capsules before bedtime.
Volume: 30 capsules.

Tags: body, scrub
Product Reviews
Здравствуйте, Валентина. Нет, данные капсулы не желательно совмещать. С уважением
Добрый день, Татьяна. Скажите пожалуйста, можно совместить прием этих капсул с капсулами от целлюлита, из вашего ассортимента, в аналогичной упаковке. Спасибо.
Здравствуйте, Татьяна. Курс приема капсул для похудения месяц. С уважением
Доброго времени суток, 30 таблеток по 2 в день -это 15 дней.А сколько курс ?
Здравствуйте! Заказала для себя, так как очень большая проблема убрать живот и бока! Я была очень-очень приятно удивлена, что это точно помогает! Спасибо большое!заказала еще!
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