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Garcinia Slimming Capsules (110.00 g)

390RUB 390 р.

Garcinia Cambogia capsules for weight loss and reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the body Garcinia cambogia Capsules contain a natural extract of garcinia peel and stimulate digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Garcinia is also used as a natural laxative, antifungal, and antimicrobial drug to treat intestinal worms, dysentery, and similar gastrointestinal diseases and ailments.

There are several different natural acids in garcinia, the main of which is hydroxycitric acid. Hydroxycytric acid is the main component that is responsible for weight loss. In its chemical composition, it is similar to citric acid and stimulates the active destruction of body fat.
The effect of the use of garcinia capsules:

Regulation of the neurotransmitter serotonin (loss of appetite)
Decrease in lipogenesis (a fancy word to reduce fat absorption)
Increased fat oxidation (if simpler: “fat disappears”)
Regulation of obesity-related genes
Method of application: 2-3 capsules 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day.
Volume: 100 capsules.

Product Reviews
Эти капсулы просто чудо! За месяц я потеряла 3 кг без изнурительных тренировок. Чувствую себя легко и энергично
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