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Detox drink with raspberry flavor S2S Fumino Detox (120.00 g)

  • Product Code: 1/305
  • Gross weight: 120.00 g
  • Stock: Wait 2-5 days
728RUB 728 р.
Detox drink with raspberry flavor S2S Fumino Detox S2S Fumino Detox help detoxify the intestines, remove residual toxins and toxins without pain and discomfort. Contains a blend of apple and garcinia cambogia fiber + collagen to strengthen nails and hair and improve skin condition. The special concentrate speeds up the elimination of old fats, speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite. Method of application: 1 sachet per day before bedtime. Volume: 10 sachets.
Tags: detox
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Gross weight:
234 р.