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Water Soluble Fiber Cereal Farm Psyllium Husk Fiber (150.00 g)

  • Product Code: 000841
  • Gross weight: 150.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
675RUB 675 р.

Cereal Farm Psyllium Husk Fiber is a plantain husk, which is a soluble fiber, known for its ability to treat constipation and normalize bowel function, maintain a diet. Husk from the seeds of Indian plantain, a water-soluble fiber that is not digested and slows the absorption of fats and carbohydrates removing them from the intestines.
Psillium is a powerful plant that grows around the world, but is most often found in India, which today remains the largest producer of psyllium husks. Whole seed has been used in traditional Iranian medicine for hundreds of years.
The inner seed contains a lot of starch and fatty acids, which makes it an excellent natural nutritional supplement.
The gel-like nature of the mucus makes it a popular addition to foods to get the desired feeling of fullness and eliminate overeating.
Plantain husk is the outer shell of plantain seeds. It is full of fiber and mucus, which makes it good for intestinal health. Soluble fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.
The shell of psyllium is mainly composed of carbohydrates (85%), and the rest consists of fats, vegetable ash and protein.
The carbohydrate part contains twice as many insoluble fibers (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin) than soluble, which are important for the benefits provided by psyllium husk.

    Soluble fiber: A gel-like material that readily absorbs water, which leads to its expansion.
    Insoluble Fiber: Consists of non-digestible, water-resistant plant matter.

Mechanism of action:
The dry fibrous content of the psyllium husk draws water into the intestines, drawing water from a medium with a high or low moisture content. The soluble part easily absorbs water, causing it to expand in the intestines. 1 g of psyllium is able to absorb up to 50 g of water, forming a helium mass. This has the double effect of softening stools and physically stimulating bowel transport.
Insoluble fiber does not absorb water, but it still helps to draw water into the intestines and physically stimulates the intestinal flow. It also adds volume, contributing to a larger and more stable chair. Stimulates the cleansing of the intestinal wall, removing toxins.

1) constipation.
Psillium is considered an effective remedy for constipation. In many clinical trials, he improved bowel movement without disrupting the absorption of nutrients.

2) Prevention of heart disease
Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and lowers blood cholesterol.

3) Normalizes blood pressure

4) diarrhea
This makes it a great option for patients with irritable bowel syndrome, who often have diarrhea and constipation.

5) Blood sugar
It has been found that dietary fiber in general and plantain fiber in particular reduce blood sugar and prevent insulin resistance.

6) Healthy weight
The psyllium shell can help in weight loss by increasing satiety and reducing hunger, which leads to weight loss.
A high intake of dietary fiber (such as psyllium fiber) increases the feeling of satiety and reduces overeating, which makes it a good addition to many weight loss programs.
100% natural fiber helps in the process of removing toxins and toxins from the body. Weight control, no sugar, no fat, no cholesterol.
This nutrient has no calories. But eating low-fat foods will help lower blood cholesterol because fibrilmol inhibits the synthesis of fatty liver. Fibers can swell up to 25 times.
Mode of application:
Eat 1 teaspoon (5 grams) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Mix 1 teaspoon of fiber with 300 ml of fruit juice or water, leave for 3-5 minutes and drink. After that, drink one glass of water.
Volume: 100 g.

Product Reviews
Покупала несколько недель назад, эффект есть. Самое главное, безопасный и качественный продукт, который вкусный и легко применять.
Приятный вкус, безопасная для здоровья. По совету врача ее принимаю, мне нравится, что она мягко помогает худеть.
Растворимая клетчатка позволяет реже чувствовать голод и нормализует работу кишечника. Цена доступная.
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