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Pieces of tuna in brine Nautilus Tuna Chunks in Brine (330.00 g)

  • Product Code: 104
  • Gross weight: 330.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
182RUB 182 р.

Tuna fights with kidney disease.
The potassium mineral in tuna helps with fluid balance and regular kidney function. Kidney cancer is one of the most frequent cancers in the world, and it develops due to inadequate functioning of organs.
Prevents cancer.
Tuna antioxidants fight cancer cells. Many types of cancer are removed from the elements found in tuna fish, such as breast cancer.
Provides energy.
Components of tuna fish improve metabolism and increase energy. This is followed by a complex of vitamin B, next to high protein and omega-3-acids.
Tuna meat shortens the recovery time in training athletes and provides energy for complex exercises. Increase daily intake to improve overall health.
Helps build muscle mass.
One of the main components of tuna meat is protein. Tuna is one of the most protein-rich meat products, which makes it an ideal companion in muscle development and fat loss. Muscles grow from proteins, recover faster and improve the metabolic rate in the body.
Tuna is a cheap and excellent source for protein intake. 100 g of tuna meat contains 30 g of protein.
Tuna increases weight loss.
Obesity and overweight are the biggest health problems in the world. Tuna is a low-calorie, high-quality protein food, full of healthy nutrients that increase health, metabolism and reduce fat. Increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids from tuna meat stimulates the hunger hormone, called leptin.
Tuna reduces inflammation.
Inflammation of muscles is suppressed by tuna meat. Anti-inflammatory minerals and healthy cholesterol in this meat help with the distribution of resources in the body. This leads to the proper function of the entire body and the prevention of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gout.
Fish increases the reaction of insulin.
People suffering from diabetes can benefit even more from taking tuna. Omega-3-acids help to keep insulin in norm, which facilitates the daily life of patients with diabetes.
Improves mood.
Selenium processes the appetite and mood of people. Studies show that the lack of selenium in the body causes concern. Another advantage of omega-3-acids is the process of improving the mood that they cause.
Fasting, caused by attempts to lose weight, can cause mood changes and discomfort. It's better to eat tuna.
Affects the brain.
A diet rich in tuna meat improves the cognitive function of the brain, and the most important are the powerful omega-3 acids. This happens when healthy blood and cells filled with oxygen circulate in a pure bloodstream, entering the brain. The brain functions much better, since it has all the necessary resources.
Tuna prevents damage to the cell membrane.
When you consume cooked tuna, you help your body in several ways. The protein in the tuna breaks down to cellular entities called peptides. Peptides, when consumed, affect the cellular membranes of our body, improving their general condition and thereby making our body much healthier and more resistant to free radicals.
Volume: 185 grams

Tags: thai, cuisine
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