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Администратор Елена

Thai tea

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Thai tea

Freshly brewed green or black tea is extremely healthy and tasty drink. However, it is worth remembering that the bottled tea and tea long-term storage, which are sold in stores, do not have the beneficial healing properties of natural tea.
Natural Dried tea leaves contain all the vitamins B, E, D, A, essential oils and minerals, natural antioxidants, tannins and caffeine.
 fresh tea Antioxidants protect the body from aging and destruction of cells, prevent the oxidative processes, improve immunity and strengthen the body. Tea tonic, which improves brain function and stamina. Thanks to tea in the body cholesterol is not delayed, leaving blood vessels clean and strong. Useful components of the tea increases metabolism, deduce the fat from the body, purify the blood of toxins. Fluorine contained in tea, strengthens teeth and gums, prevents tooth decay. Tea normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the intestines, normalizes microflora stomach. Black tea helps with anemia, because it simulates the growth of red blood cells, improving the blood. Fresh tea with milk and honey is excellent immunostimulatory agent with a cold or flu, which helps to relieve the unpleasant symptoms and get well soon.
Keep in mind that the body is useful only fresh tea If you drink stood more than 5 hours, it and nbsp; form harmful esters, which are harmful to the body. Also do not forget that all things in moderation. To maintain a healthy body enough 3-4 cups of tea every day.