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Soft toffee with guava (160.00 g)

  • Product Code: 001174
  • Gross weight: 160.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
150RUB 150 р.

Guava is a tropical fruit rich in vitamins. With its unique flavor, taste and ability to improve health, the fruits fall into the category of foods often called “super fruits”.
Guava grows well in damp and in dry climate and able to withstand short periods of cold. Its adaptability in the environment makes the plant a favorite of the crops in some tropical countries.
Guava is low kalloriynostyu, at the same time has a vital magnemicroman and antioxidants and polyphenols of flavonoid elements that play an important role in the prevention of cancer, aging, and infections.
Guava fruit is rich in dietary fiber (5.4 g per 100 grams of about 14%), so the fruit perfectly establishes the digestion. Fiber content helps to protect the mucous membrane of the colon by decreasing exposure time to toxins and removes carcinogenic substances from the colon.
Guava is a natural source of antioxidant vitamin C. one hundred grams of guava 228 mg of ascorbic acid, which is more than 3 times the necessary daily recommended intake.
Science has proven that if you systematically eat a guava, the immune system gets resistance to viruses and bacteria. Guava is able to suppress cancer cells. The useful components of the fruit increase the production of collagen in the cells. And it storitelnye collagen material for our body.
The fruit is saturated with retinol and flavonoids,including beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in carotene protects against lung cancer, mouth, prostate.
100 grams of guava provides 5204 µg of lycopene, it is almost twice more than in tomatoes (100 g tomato contains 2573 µg of lycopene).
Volume: 150 grams

Tags: sweets, candy, food
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