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Da Hong Pao Unique Red Tea (da hong pao) (220.00 g)

  • Product Code: 794
  • Gross weight: 220.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
660RUB 660 р.

Da Hong Pao, also known as the “Big Red Robe”, is perhaps China’s best known oolong. It is grown in Wuishan, a scenic mountainous region stretching along the northern border of Fujian with Jiangxi Province. The region contains 36 graceful mountain peaks and a meandering meandering river called the Nine Bend Creek.

A special kind of tea is used to make Da Hong Pao. Only a few original Da Hong Pao plants still remain in Wuishan. They have been kept in the same couple for the last 25 years. Most tea gardens contain varieties of the second and third generations of the original Da Hong Pao plants.

In the manufacture of this tea are selected long leaves. They are twisted using a cross-rolling technique (very different from the twisting in a circle seen in other ouluns), and then burned to prevent oxidation. The leaves are baked at the final stages of processing.

Da Hong Pao Oolong tea is ideal for slimming and detoxifying. A cup of this drink often improves the metabolic rate. In addition, Da Hong Pao tea improves digestion, allowing your stomach to remove fats and other waste from your system. If you exercise, tea caffeine in this magnificent tea will give you the strength to lose weight.

Da Hong Pao tea is a tea to brew if you want to experience its royal magic. He has the potential to raise your feelings to a whole new level.

The benefits of tea Da Hong Pao:
• Provides vitamin C
• Reduces cholesterol and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques
• Reduces and prevents diabetes
• Reduces and prevents high blood pressure
• Relieves atherosclerosis
• Reduces body fat
• Improves eyesight
• Treats and relieves bronchitis
• Prevents caries
• Prevents cancer
• Slows down the aging process
• Improves blood circulation
• Replenishes energy
• Improves digestion
• Prevents coronary heart disease
• Promotes healthy teeth
• Maintains healthy stomach
Volume: 200 grams

Tags: tea, products
Product Reviews
Замечательный чай. Я большой любитель чая. В моей домашней "коллекции" есть постоянные фавориты, доступные к покупке поблизости. И люблю по-возможности пробовать новые, незнакомые для меня чаи. Улуны очень люблю, особенно "чёрные". В них я ощущаю и люблю шоколадный привкус и лёгкую дымность-копчёность. В этом "Большом красном халате" я не ощутила типичного (на мой вкус) вкуса улуна. Мне этот чай скорее чёрный чай, чем улун. Вкусный чёрный чай. Я завариваю его "по-Китайски", как зелёный чай или тот-же улун: 2-3 кратковременных (2-3 минуты) заварки. Получается хорошо выраженный вкус чёрного чая, но без горечи или терпкости. Понравился. Одного пакета на долго не хватит: листья чая большие - в пакете много воздуха между листьями.
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