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Pasteurized 100% coconut milk Aroy-D (180.00 g)

  • Brand: Aroy-D
  • Product Code: 000603
  • Gross weight: 180.00 g
  • Stock: In stock

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* Volume:
75RUB 75 р.

 Mild sweet flavor of coconut milk goes well with many products, it is often used in the preparation of different soups, coconut milk is obtained remarkable useful porridge, coconut milk gives a unique taste in coffee, tea.
 Coconut milk has many beneficial properties for the body. Unique coconut milk enzymes have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, restoring the normal functioning of organs. With the appropriate treatment, coconut milk effectively helps with gastric ulcer, gastritis, heartburn. Coconut milk is much more easily absorbed than, for example, cow's or goat's milk. Great for people with lactose intolerance to cow protein.
 The rich content of Omega 3, 6, 9, makes milk an indispensable product for people whose body is subject to seasonal beriberi. And it's almost all of us. Just one cup of natural coconut milk per day to make up for the daily norm Omega.
 Natural coconut milk does not cause allergic reactions, as opposed to cow's milk does not have a laxative effect on the intestine. After the coconut milk is not indigestion or flatulence. The coconut milk high content of phosphorus, which serves as a building material for bones.
 Due to the large amount of natural antioxidants, coconut milk has anti-inflammatory properties, regulates blood sugar levels, can reduce the pressure.
 Large amounts of vitamin C in the coconut milk makes it a valuable product for the treatment of colds, helping to quickly deal with the virus.
 Magnesium in coconut milk relieves agitation and hyperactivity of the central nervous system, has a relaxing effect.
 Coconut milk is ideal for people who lead a healthy lifestyle and watching their health and nutrition.
 Volume: 150 ml; 250 ml; 500ml.

Tags: milk, coconut
Product Reviews
Вкусное) тоже чуть всё не выпила. Заказывала в выпечку и хотела кое-что из тайской кухни приготовить, а у нас в посёлке такой экзотики днём с огнём не сыщешь. Выпечка удалась, а вот на остальное хватило - слишком много попробовали с мужем и сыном)) Так что, заказывайте сразу побольше, не повторяйте моей ошибки)
Начиталась отзывов об использовании кокосового молока для ламинации волос и сразу заказала себе коробочку объемом поллитра: чтобы так попробовать и маску сделать. Что могу сказать – все выпила сразу же )) Нельзя давать его в руки любителям кокосов! Очень вкусное, долго хранится и упаковано как самый обычный сок, что удобно. В следующий раз закажу уже и для косметических целей.
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