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Green Tea with Coco (120.00 g)

  • Brand: 101 HEALTHTEA
  • Product Code: 000646
  • Gross weight: 120.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
210RUB 210 р.

 Coconut tea from Thailand - it is the ideal fat burning and tonic properties are highly valued far beyond Southeast Asia. Unlike most of the means to reduce body weight does not act on it the fluid contained in the tissue, and accelerates the metabolism, allowing to lose weight by reducing the fat mass real. And thanks to the presence in the composition of the special active substances, this tea works fine even with the fat mass that covers the internal organs, speeding up and facilitating weight loss process without risk to health.
 The incredible properties of coconut tea
 Tea on the basis of coconut pulp is known among Thai beauties not only as a tool that allows you to maintain a flawless figure, but also as an element of body purification procedures of toxins. With regular use of tea normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, improves liver function. And its effectiveness in the treatment of diabetes is recognized even by experts in the field of traditional medicine, noting a significant decrease in blood sugar levels when consuming coconut tea.
 Like many other means of oriental medicine, based on coconut tea is very useful in the recovery period - after surgery, childbirth, injury and serious illnesses. It is recommended to drink during dehydration, using either isotonic, rich in vitamins and minerals. And even when food poisoning or alcohol this tea shows miracles, providing rapid elimination of hazardous substances for health and general tonic effect.
 Volume: 100 g

Tags: tea, green
Product Reviews
А вы когда-нибудь пробовали зелёный чай с кокосом? Я до этого момента не пробовала. Он потрясающе вкусный! А как пахнет!! Это просто что-то с чем-то! Зелёный чай пью регулярно - он полезен для фигуры и отлично выводит из организма лишнюю жидкость и токсины, а также успокаивает нервы. Особенно это актуально для тех, кто следит за своей фигурой. А так как сладкое для фигуры как бомба, то сладкий аромат кокоса в чае "звучит" ну очень аппетитно и экзотично. Прекрасный чай. Попробую и другие вкусы.
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