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Acne Soap with Mangosteen Maithong Mangosteen soap (140.00 g)

  • Product Code: 000052
  • Gross weight: 140.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
300RUB 300 р.

Recently, cosmetics from Thailand have gained great popularity among personal care products and have occupied a rather significant part in the cosmetic market of other countries. And this is not surprising, despite the relatively low cost of production, it is hypoallergenic, rejuvenating and cleansing, has antioxidant properties, in addition, it has a positive effect on the circulatory system and the body as a whole. It consists on the basis of overseas components that are alien to our land, whose useful actions have been heard by all modern women who monitor their beauty and health. The beautiful half of humanity strives to try out all the novelties of Thai origin, consisting of tropical fruits and plants, and highlight the best of them. And indeed, what can be more beneficial for a person than nature itself.
Soap with mangosteen and natural plant extracts Maithong Mangosteen soap acts as a natural AHA bleach. Mangosteen is an excellent antioxidant and has natural antibacterial properties that help reduce acne, acne, black spots and skin defects in the face and body. Vitamin E, extracted from black sesame seeds, provides hydration and brightens your skin. Protects from rashes.
Volume: 100 grams.

Tags: face, beauty
Product Reviews
Yuri White Cream воплощает мечту о белой коже. У него действительно быстрое действие, отличная текстура, приятный аромат. Наносится легко и быстро, впитывается мгновенно, обеспечивает легкое сияние за счет использования специального компонента. Пробовала смешивать его с куркумой - существенной разницы я не заметила, но, может быть, все от кожи зависит? А вот повышение тонуса и омолаживающий эффект здесь явно присутствуют. Да и отбеливание он обеспечивает на вполне достойном уровне при своей цене.
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