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Anti-aging mask algidnaya seed lotus flower and seaweed Natural Seaweed Water Essence Mask (20.00 g)

  • Product Code: 000545
  • Gross weight: 20.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
105RUB 105 р.

 Anti-aging collagen mask from the seeds of the lotus flower and rare seaweeds Seaweed Mask absolute bestseller and one of the most popular and effective means of facial care.
 Algae contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, many times exceeding the composition of fruits and vegetables.
 Magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, only a small part of all elements of the composition rich algae. Biological retinol in seaweed and alginic acid makes them a valuable product in the cosmetology industry. The use of nutrients from algae helps preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.
 Retinol (vitamin A) is a fat soluble vitamin. A powerful natural antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, protecting against premature aging and malignant tumors. Vitamin A strengthens activates epithelial cells and protein synthesis and cell division, generates new cells, regulates the cell membrane and stimulates collagen and elastin. Significantly lightens dark spots, smoothes the skin and reduces the production of melanin.
 Alginic acid draws moisture to the skin cells and keeps it while maintaining the skin's moisture balance.
 Seaweed has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, as a natural antibiotic. Inhibiting pathogenic microflora and penetrating deep into the pores, the nutrients algae prevent the formation of acne, pimples and inflammation.
 Lotus Asian Lily called Heaven, for his extraordinary beauty and useful properties. Lotus seeds widely applied in skin-care products. Seeds of Heaven lily contain nurafin, nelumbin, armenavan, all vitamins and minerals. Lotus extract has soothing and regenerating properties. Application of lotus seed allows you to whiten the skin, get rid of age spots and blackheads. Heaven lily suitable for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, relieves itching and inflammation, regulates sebum production and the level of oily skin, cleansing the pores, preventing acne. It activates the metabolic processes in the skin cells renewing and rejuvenating the cells lining the wrinkles, tightening facial contours and improving skin elasticity.
 Anti-Aging Mask Seaweed Mask restores beauty and youthfulness of the skin, increases the production of collagen and elastin, keeps moisture in the cells, stimulates cell renewal and repair. Improves skin tone, it smoothes wrinkles, tightens pores and removes black points, regulates oily skin, eliminates acne and inflammation, fights acne, heals and smoothes scars from acne. Increases cellular immunity, protects against the harmful effects of the environment.
 How to use: Mask of lotus seeds and algae packaged in dry form. It is necessary to mix the contents of the sachet with 4-6 tablespoons of warm clean water. The mixture should be the consistency of thick dough, which must be evenly apply on face. The mask becomes a uniform shape and well stretched through a collagen composition. Leave the mask on your face for 20-30 minutes. Then simply pull the edges and remove the mask with algae and lotus seeds face. daily caregiver means can be applied as desired. Apply 1-2 times a week.
 Volume: 15 g


Tags: thai, cosmetics
Product Reviews
Маска меня удивила, внешне это пакетик с семенами)) в него нужно добавить 4 ст ложки воды, я добавила 5 и маска очень долго сохла, и не медленно нанести на кожу, иначе она застынет и ее сложно будет распределить, эффект от неё отличный, цвет лица улучшился, поры сузились, чувствовался лёгкий лифтинг эффект
Девочки, маска просто шикарная! Наверное лучшая маска которую я на себе опробовала за свои 42 года! Личико гладенькое и сияющее, прямо все морщинки мелкие на глазах расправились. Очень рекомендую всем.
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