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Face cream with pearl extract and mineral oils Pearl Ream Nature Republic (100.00 g)

  • Brand: NATURE
  • Product Code: 000013
  • Gross weight: 100.00 g
  • Stock: In stock
426RUB 426 р.

 Perfect face cream with natural pearl powder and mineral oils from Nature republic for professional grade skin care face and neck. As part of the cream natural mineral oil, pearl powder, aloe vera, natural plant extracts.
 The pioneers of the unique properties of pearl powder steel Chinese beauticians. They learned how to produce natural pearl powder from freshwater pearls and found that it contains more than 20 essential amino acids and more than 16 trace elements, as well as calcium.
 Medical studies have proven that pearl powder slows down the aging process and cell decay, prolonging youth and beauty. Naturally, such a valuable component of the steel used in creams for the face, because it means a pearl powder is almost completely absorbed by the skin and penetrates deep into the cells, stimulating its division, triggering a chain reaction and improving the condition of the skin, filling the skin with vitamins and minerals, stopping the process of aging of skin . Pearl powder has a strong whitening effect and regulates the production of melanin in the skin, preventing increased pigmentation of the skin.
 The main component of pearl powder-aragonite. It serves as a building material for nails, teeth, bones. Aragonite very strong firming ingredient. Accordingly, its use in skin care significantly strengthens the epidermis and improves skin condition. Aragonite, a natural protein that is identical to the human protein, so it is completely metabolized by the body.
 Face cream with pearl powder is the perfect anti-aging agent for skin. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It smooths wrinkles, improves complexion, improves skin elasticity.
 Method of application: face cream with natural pearl powder suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Apply the cream to cleansed face, avoiding eye contact. Spread on face and leave until completely absorbed.



Product Reviews
Не крем - мечта! Да еще за такие смешные деньги. Жемчужная пудра и минеральные масла творят чудеса. Попробовала его впервые довольно давно. Потом был перерыв, пробовала разные крема, пока не решилась вновь вернуться к этому - идеальному для моей кожи. У меня солидная доля азиатской крови и все сопутствующие проблемы в наличии. Сейчас пользуюсь им на постоянной основе, ничего не хочу менять. Упаковки хватает надолго, нет ощущения стянутости и дискомфорта, лицо заметно белее и выглядит лучше.
Хороший крем! Я его давно использую, мне подруги и родственники постоянно с Тая привозят,как кто едет. Благо,он очень экономный и расхудуется минимум.
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