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Caring for the skin around the eyes

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Caring for the skin around the eyes

The skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate. Daily care and high-quality cosmetics should be the traditional ritual of every woman who loves herself and protects its beauty. Unfortunately, the skin around the eye is most sensitive and delicate, besides it does not have sebaceous glands and muscle. Therefore, the first signs of aging and wrinkles woman says it is in the eye area. Well-known "crow's feet" dark circles "panda" under the eyes, swollen eyelids, all this adds greatly aged appearance. That is why the skin around the eyes is necessary to watch very carefully, without allowing the epidermis to lose valuable moisture and nutrition.
Basic care for the skin around the eyes is regular moisturizing. The sooner a woman starts it, the easier it is to her to fight skin aging. Since 20 years, the skin around the eyes requires careful maintenance. It is necessary to clean, tone, moisturize and nourish. It is best suited for this special light gels and creams for the skin around the eyes. But we should choose a makeup in accordance with the age, because, for example, 20 year old girl, anti-aging skin cream just will not do. Remarkable nutritional properties have natural oils. Their use has obvious beneficial effects on the skin. It is noteworthy that a good remedy for skin care around the eyes must contain a part of vitamins A and E.
With regard to age, for women older than 30 years are recommended products based on collagen and elastin, while for women from 20 years old are more suitable products based on fruit and vegetable extracts.
Keep in mind that neglecting the care of the area around the eyes, you can look much older than his years, as the flabby, wrinkled and dry skin around the eyes provide the tired and healthy looking appearance.