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Care for problem skin

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Care for problem skin

With the development of cosmetology, scientists have identified 4 types of skin that are known to every inhabitant. The skin is normal, dry, oily and combination. Moreover, over time, the type of skin may change. And the owner of normal skin suddenly begins to notice increased dryness, or, conversely, excessive oily epidermis. Exactly, as always, the normal type of skin becomes problematic and the owner of this type of skin begins to notice frequent inflammation, rashes, redness and irritation on the face.
Why it happens?
Many factors affect the change in skin type, including the status of "problem", but the main ones are usually:
hormonal surges and abnormal functioning of the endocrine system;
depressed state and increased nervous tension;
negative environmental impact;
bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol addiction, malnutrition;
violations of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes in the body;
incorrectly selected cosmetics;
diets, nutrition of spicy and canned foods, nutrition with a large number of chemical additives in the composition;
Of course, skin problems can only be a temporary phenomenon that goes away safely. But, unfortunately, it also happens that everything goes into a complex form and requires specialized care. Over time, if you correctly and correctly overcome the problem of unhealthy skin, it is possible to completely get rid of these unpleasant lack of appearance.
The most common manifestations of problematic skin are increased dryness of the skin or excessive oiliness. With dry type of problem skin, a very thin lipid layer is noted, which is difficult to protect the skin from external negative factors, as a result of which the owner of the dry sensitive type of problem skin receives redness, rash, inflammation, and vascular network on the face.
And the exact opposite is oily problem skin. In this case, the roots of the problem come from within. Due to the increased lipid layer, the sebaceous glands produce an increased amount of sebum, which clogs the pores, making them unable to breathe. As a result, the owner gets acne, acne, inflammation, glossy skin.
It is precisely in order to safely solve such problems and avoid a reappearance in the future, in cosmetology there are many means to care for problem skin.
The main thing is to choose the right tool for you, and then all the problems will be on the shoulder.