Daily oil-serum for colored hair with tea tree oil and argan oil is used to restore and protect hair, and also to preserve the color of colored curls. Camellia oil (tea tree) has many therapeutic properties. Serum with argan oil and tea tree oil Lolane Hair Oil for Color Care has a healing and nutritional ability that makes it suitable for use even at home. The composition of the serum is aimed at strengthening the hair, the components have the following properties: Antioxidant - camellia oil is an excellent antioxidant. It strongly prevents premature aging and destruction of hair Hair conditioner - used as a traditional hair treatment even in ancient times in China, for the relief of combing and styling Cicatrizant - helps restore scalp and hair follicles Anti-Aging - protects the hair shaft from the effects of free radicals. Reduces cell aging Antimicrobial - prevents the spread of microbes. This is especially important in the case of a tendency to dandruff and seborrhea Emulsifier - tea seed oil quickly emulsifies other fats. This makes it a pleasant addition to cosmetic products, regardless of whether they are professional or domestic The immune amplifier Anti-inflammatory - reduces inflammation on the skin. Method of application: the oil can be applied both before washing, and on dry hair before leaving the house. Volume: 65 ml Tags: hair, serum, care