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Soon mom

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Soon mom

In the most important and responsible period of life for a woman, she has many questions related to her special condition. Pregnancy is a new sensation, experience, happiness and joy. But since all women are mothers for the first time, then almost everyone begins to study different information in order not to harm themselves and the unborn child. The questions are diverse, depending on the lifestyle of the future mother: is it possible to attend the gym, how to eat, is it possible to sunbathe and go to the bathhouse, drink coffee, fly on an airplane, eat seeds and much more. We understand the desire of every woman to make her condition as comfortable as possible, and pregnancy can be easily and discreetly transferred, giving the baby inside herself all the best. We are trying to offer you in this section the best cosmetics and health products from trusted manufacturers of quality products.
Since estrogen rises during pregnancy, the skin becomes drier and more prone to inflammation and rashes. The likelihood of cellulite formation is much stronger. It should be remembered that for carrying out a normal pregnancy, the body gives up all its reserves, therefore, immunity is significantly weakened, skin and bones receive less nutrition and vitamins, hair and nails become softer and brittle.
The most common problem associated with skin condition during pregnancy are striae (simply stretch marks). Stretch marks are internal tears of the subcutaneous tissue.
Unpleasant scars can appear in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and chest. There are cases when stretch marks form on the arms or back. Striae come in a variety of structures and shades, but brighten over time and become less noticeable.
Often, tearing on the skin is determined by a genetic predisposition. But do not forget that during pregnancy a significant weight gain occurs, and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. That is why, even if no one had stretch marks in the family, they may appear due to a poor state of the epidermis and insufficient moisture.
To prevent this from happening, the skin must regularly be fully nourished with special creams, oils, lotions. We recommend choosing products that contain collagen. Striae are formed from rupture of collagen fibers due to its lack. If the amount of collagen is constantly replenished, then many skin problems can be avoided. Special underwear and a bandage will help support an expanding stomach and chest, thereby reducing the degree of skin tightness.
Also, many women report increased pigmentation during pregnancy. This is normal, but you should make sure that the skin is less exposed to direct sunlight. Age spots formed during pregnancy are quite difficult to remove later. Only with the help of strong whitening agents that regulate the production of melanin in the skin.
It is noted that during pregnancy, preferences of women often change. And those products that were previously ideally suited for face and body care are becoming useless. Future mothers are recommended to be especially careful in choosing cosmetics. It is desirable that the funds were marked "hypoallergenic" and the composition was as close to natural. Do not unconditionally trust the jars on the labels of which are colorful inscriptions "for mothers and children." See composition. Very often, tempting labels are simply an advertising move to increase product sales.
Make sure that your diet contains plant foods and a large amount of protein: chicken and quail eggs, poultry, fish, seafood, vegetables and herbs, fruits and berries. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily. Do not be afraid of edema. Edema is formed just from a lack of fluid in the body, because it begins to store and hold it inside. It will be better if your daily menu contains as little flour and sweet as possible.
Take care of yourself and your unborn child.