Zinc and coronavirus: the principle of interaction

Zinc and coronavirus: the principle of interaction

Zinc is the second most common trace element found in the human body. It is a micronutrient that affects all organs and cells, and it is necessary for the body to smell and taste properly. Zinc also plays a key role in the regulation of metabolism and the immune system. Zinc is found in every cell of the human body and is involved in all enzymatic processes. People with low zinc levels are more likely to develop infections and certain illnesses, including chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, kidney disease, pneumonia, and recurrent sepsis. Lack of zinc in the body undermines the work of all systems and organs. Zinc is involved in the production of hormones, including insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen. Zinc deficiency has been shown to suppress immune function - and even mild to moderate zinc deficiency can impair macrophage and neutrophil function, natural killer cell activity, and the activity of the immune system. This is because the body requires zinc to develop and activate T lymphocytes. This is why zinc levels are critical to good health: if you are zinc deficient, your immune system will not be strong. Numerous studies have shown that zinc strengthens the immune system against Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. Zinc, which can inhibit RNA viruses including coronaviruses, has an antiviral effect against the new coronavirus commonly known as SARS. The body's need for zinc is also important for: treating acne and other skin diseases; improving brain activity, improving the quality of sleep and mood; strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from viruses; treating diabetes; treatment of macular degeneration; improving sexual function in men; carrying a pregnancy; relieving premenstrual PMS symptoms; treating rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation. During the current corona pandemic, new therapeutic options against this viral disease are urgently needed. Due to the rapid spread and the huge number of people affected worldwide, cost-effective, globally available and safe options with minimal side effects and ease of use are highly justified. It was revealed that most of the risk groups described for COVID-19 are simultaneously groups that have been associated with zinc deficiency. Since zinc is essential to preserve natural tissue barriers such as the respiratory epithelium, prevent the entry of pathogens, and balance immune and redox functions, zinc deficiency can be added to factors that predispose people to infection and detrimental progression of COVID-19. Zinc protects the human body from virus penetration. The penetration of infectious agents into the human body is prevented by tissue barriers supplied with cilia and mucus, antimicrobial peptides such as lysozymes and interferons. Zinc affects the cleansing of the mucous membrane from viruses. Zinc is essential for maintaining tissue barriers. Zinc directly inhibits viral replication Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchial asthma, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, kidney disease, dialysis, obesity, diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, cirrhosis, immunosuppression, and known liver damage have regular low serum zinc levels blood. At the same time, these groups are particularly at risk of COVID-19. Zinc restores immune function in the elderly and people with zinc deficiency. Complications of coronavirus infection also include tissue damage to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart, nervous system, kidneys, blood vessels, and skin. In this regard, it should be noted that balanced zinc homeostasis is required for wound healing and tissue repair following mechanical and inflammatory damage, adding additional potential benefits of zinc supplementation for COVID-19 patients. The balancing ability of zinc in relation to the number and function of immune cells can be very beneficial in relation to COVID-19 therapy. Buy zinc capsules in Thai pharmacy with delivery.