Can you weigh?

Can you weigh?

Can you weigh right?
An important component of weight loss is regular check measurements. Someone practicing measurements using tape measures. Some people prefer to trust your favorite jeans or a skirt, a kind of standard employees - a model of optimal physical shape. But most are considered objective measurements made with the help of weights. They give the most accurate indicators of the dynamics that shows the body in the process of weight loss and allow to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen method of struggle against excess fat.
Daily measurements of body weight - an indispensable element of weight loss programs. And if you plan to buy "Thai Bears" for the acquisition of a silhouette of your dreams, it is worth thinking about how to get the balance right. Do you have a home-like unit with the arrows and numbers? Unfortunately, the error parameters in analog instrumentation is extremely high. Furthermore, they can change parameters depending on the curvature of the sex and other factors. In general, call this a reliable source of information may be a stretch. So, before you order a course of "bears", should take care of the purchase of the meter a more modern type.
Analog or digital?
We all know how to operate the analog scales. There are displays, there is an arrow and figures spinning in the window. No master - the possibility to calculate the results of up to grams. But while reducing weight loss body mass indices must be measured with high accuracy. Otherwise, from the manipulation performed simply will not be confused. Why? In fact, even in the diet or active sports weight rates up reset normally modest 500 - 700 grams per week. Accordingly, the day - from 70 to 100 grams per day, if we take the average values. "Thai Bears", especially during the intensive course, demonstrate better results - on average, from 300 to 1000 grams per day. But even these vibrations with conventional analogue scales will not be easy to notice.
Digital models solve more fundamental problems. Minimum measurement accuracy are hundreds of grams, and sometimes even tenths and hundredths. And some modern models at once calculated and indicators such as body temperature or the percentage of fat in the human body, and can still remember the results of previous weighing. With these scales can calculate the result, which will be given each day to the original "Bears" to the nearest gram. A check the accuracy of the acquired data using one of these methods:
    Use the "Control" object - the weight of a certain weight, sugar bag, the results should be the same as the baseline weight measurement items;
    perform a series of repetitive weight measurements at short intervals - every time the balance should show the same result;
    perform the measurement of body weight, then vigorously shake the device and try again - the data must be the same;
    quality scales measure weight with high accuracy, regardless of whether you're standing on one or two feet, located in the middle or on the edge of the measuring platform.
If there is no error, you can safely use the scales, taking Thai slimming capsule - daily measurement accuracy is guaranteed. And in order to rule out any other bugs, learn to correctly measure the body weight.
How to measure your weight in the process of losing weight?
Are you sure that measure the weight right? There are a number of fixed rules to be followed in the measurement of body weight of all those who want to lose weight:
    The process of weighing the need to standardize as much as possible. The same clothes, the same time of the measurement. Changing the weights is also undesirable.
    Morning measurements are always more accurate than the evening. If possible, the measurements should be carried out before noon.
    It is advisable to carry out measurements when your bowels and bladder emptied. To increase the accuracy of calculations spend their fasting.
    Keep a diary or timetable changes dynamics. Changing figures in the columns or the weight curve, tending downwards - the best motivators for further weight reduction.
Choosing a course for weight loss, "Bears" from the hospital "Yanhee", pay attention to what experts recommend this esteemed clinics keep a daily weight measurements in the course of receiving the capsules. This approach allows identification of patterns, which later will help you maintain a healthy body weight. For example, only one pickles, eaten at night, could easily provide an increase in kilograms on the scales in the morning. It is one thing when it tells you in paint nutritionist. It's quite another - to see the results of their own gluttony in the form of real numbers on the scales.
Do you want your measurements always remain accurate? Simply select the correct scale, and measurements were performed taking into account the recommendations