5 habits against uncomfortable urination

5 habits against uncomfortable urination

Up to 6 out of 10 women experience urinary discomfort at least once in their lives. Many of them will be repeated, sometimes very regularly. Five simple steps to follow daily have proven effective in improving urinary comfort for many women.

Why are women more likely to experience urinary discomfort?

The reason is anatomical: in women, the urethra (a small channel that removes urine from the bladder) is shorter than in men, and is located closer to the anus. Thus, this characteristic explains the high frequency of urination disorders in women. And for hormonal reasons, this time menopause is considered a period of increased risk of urinary discomfort.

What about men?
Young men are very often spared because of the length of the urethra, but after a certain age this is no longer the case. Indeed, their prostate volume can interfere with bladder emptying, which contributes to urinary discomfort.

Habit #1: Drink plenty of water.

Your goal is to drink enough water, ideally at least 1.5 liters per day, so that it is evenly distributed throughout the day in order to thin urine and increase the frequency of urination. Indeed, every excretion of urine is an opportunity for evacuation of bacteria.
On the other hand, avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks, which can cause urinary discomfort.

Look at the color of your urine after every urination!
• It is very clean, almost transparent: drink enough, keep it up!
• It is dark yellow: you are not drinking enough or not regularly enough. Make sure you always have a bottle of water handy to encourage you to drink more.

Habit number 2: urinate properly.

• Urinate very often and, as soon as the urge arises, do not hold back for long.
• Be sure to empty your bladder completely every time you go to the toilet, as any retention of urine encourages bacteria to grow.
• Avoid stopping urination, a method traditionally used to strengthen the perineum, which involves stopping urination until the bladder is completely empty, but promotes urinary retention.

Habit #3: Proper hygiene.

Make it a habit from an early age to always wipe from front to back.

Habit #4: Urinating after intercourse.

It is very important to urinate after sex to clear the urinary tract. In addition, it is recommended to avoid the use of spermicides.

Reflex #5: Adapted Intimate Hygiene to Avoid Urinary Discomfort

Douching is prohibited. Only an external toilet is required, avoiding perfumed hygiene products so as not to disturb the pH of the vagina.
Finally, avoid tight pants and opt for cotton underwear.