Snail cosmetics: how many snails is needed?

Snail cosmetics: how many snails is needed?

Snail slime: the natural protection of the skin from aging
Online cosmetics store "Thai Care" aims to support all of the most current trends in the cosmetics market. It is no wonder that this is where one of the first introduced facilities for face and body care based on snail slime - special secret released by these creatures in moments of danger or when taking damage, requiring rapid tissue regeneration. Their incredible anti-aging properties are widely used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics. And Fragrances - including deodorants with snail slime, are popular among Hollywood beauties and professional models who are forced to spend long hours under the merciless spotlight.
What is snail slime?
Website cosmetics "Thai Care" offers for sale a variety of products based on snail slime. Creams, masks, deodorants and demand customers in many countries around the world. But the very active substance still raises many questions. After all, only a little more than half a century ago on the use of extractives allocated snails in cosmetology scientists do not even think.
Opened its healing properties scientist develops innovative methods of dealing with cancer. During the tests carried out with the use of snails, it was found that the radiation exposure resulting from the damage to the shellfish preferred to heal with the help of a special secret, having significant differences with conventional fluids, used when moving to slide on the surface of objects.
Pretty soon regenerative properties of snail slime have been tested on human skin. And the research results were more than impressive, it is not surprising when you consider the components are part of this secret:
    allantoin, responsible for skin regeneration;
    elastin and collagen, responsible for maintaining the elasticity and tone of the skin;
    hyaluronic acid - an intensive moisturizer;
    glycolic acid, responsible for cell renewal.
It is worth noting that the snail slime extract, which is made on the basis of highly Thai cosmetics, or using the Achatina snails - shellfish, edible. And in order to stimulate the secretion of bodies, their annoying, causing a sense of danger by means of mechanical action. Collect mucus snail on specialized farms, where they are commercial breeding. The main suppliers of this valuable raw material are countries in Asia and South America.
How do the funds based on snail slime?
Before you order cosmetics based on snail slime is how to study its properties. Even the most effective means will be much easier to use, understanding the principles of action of substances contained in it. Science has proven that the snail slime is capable of reducing the number of facial wrinkles with regular use. In particular, it is possible to provide a pronounced rejuvenating and restorative effects tone with performance indicators from 25 to 45% with prolonged (not less than three months) application of creams, serums and masks based on it.
In addition, should order cosmetics based on snail slime, if your skin is required:
    The soothing effects. Already after the first application based on snail slime cosmetics reduces inflammation and redness on the skin, helps to eliminate acne and rosacea manifestations.
    Moisturize. Due to the content of hyaluronic acid, snail slime extract ensures the preservation of the natural water balance of the skin cells, and when combined with additional moisturizing components also provides intensive moisture saturation of the tissues.
    Regeneration. In addition to restoring the elasticity of tissues contained in the snail slime regenerating substances make up the lack of collagen and stimulate its natural production. As a result, in just three months, you can achieve an effect similar to the use of spies and beauty shots.
Of course, ready to use cosmetics is much easier than self-produce mucus, as do today in some beauty salons. Moreover, there are exotic salon treatment is much more expensive, and the effect of their conduct similar to that given industrial cosmetic design, with all the necessary procedures can be carried out in a convenient time and in the comfort of a relaxing environment.
Do you need funds based on snail slime?
Buy Thai cosmetics based on snail slime at affordable prices today is not difficult. She is always available in the online store "Thai Care". But how to understand whether you need such a strong cosmetics? In fact, although snail mucus is considered an anti-aging agent can be used, without waiting for the appearance of aging. After all, the skin of most modern women suffer from dehydration, feels the need