How to keep weight after weight loss

How to keep weight after weight loss

How to maintain a healthy weight after taking the "Thai bears": the secrets and rules
More recently, the weight loss process was a kind of single crusade, a victory which could win only decent. Today, it is not necessary to endure the torment - enough to buy a "Thai Bears" capsules for weight control, and extra weight around the waist, hips and other problem areas literally melt away by themselves. But upon completion of a course of the drug to keep the achieved results can not please everyone. So why do some people lose weight once and for all, while others are forced to repeatedly act by trial and error?
Features weight control after weight loss
Order preparation, then carefully take it, keeping scheme, to achieve impressive results, and then in the first week after the completion of treatment as if to throw in the pool with his head in gluttony. This approach is just practicing those who is forever dissatisfied with the results of your weight loss. As a result, instead of saving the achievements of man rushes to break so hard worked out mode. And even here, "Thai Bears", famous for its efficiency, can hardly resist the temptation to try a coffee and cake or pour yourself a glass of wine.
It follows the first rule: if you want to save the results - stick to the way of life and eating habits that have developed in the process of weight loss. If you cope with not getting the appetite - it is worth considering the possibility to buy the original capsule Yanhee to maintain results. Their course is designed for two months, and helps the body to adapt to the new conditions of life without excess weight.
Successful Control Rules
Efficient and secure Thai slimming capsules help eliminate toxins, allow you to quickly and effectively adjust the overweight. But when they are supporting the reception should be aware of ways in which to achieve the desired result and does not lose it in the future. Among them are the following rules for the control of overweight:
    To lose weight and gain weight again must be fed fractionally to five times a day, spreading the products in the diet so that the evening meal was the most restrictive in terms of the caloric content. Valid milk drinks or hot tea with milk.
    Drinking plenty of fluids - another integral component of successful weight control. The calculation of the amount of fluid consumed must be calculated according to the formula of 30 ml per kilogram of body weight. Accordingly, a person weighing 70 kg per day should drink at least 2.1 liters of water.
    The diversity of the diet. Do not deny yourself the pleasure to eat varied. first and second courses must be present in the menu. Required - dairy products, vegetables and fruits, natural meat and fish.
    Active lifestyle. It is not necessary to engage in the implementation of power exercises. Just turn in your schedule regular walks in the fresh air. It's worth noting that the rate for an adult is a distance of 10 000 steps traveled daily. For the convenience of monitoring this indicator, you can buy a pedometer.
    Access to the fitness room. Active sports, though not included in the rate of weight loss are consistent with its goals and objectives. It is therefore necessary to carry out exercise in the room at least two or three times per week with a duration of 60 to 120 minutes.
    Continue daily measurements of body weight. This discipline and allows for full control over the process of reducing body weight.
    Keep track of the number of calories consumed. Two products in your diet with the same energy value may carry a very different possibilities. As a result, instead of the desired benefits can easily hurt yourself and your body.
    Control hormonal parameters. Sudden weight gain or, conversely, a decrease of normal weight may indicate the presence of disorders in the endocrine system.
    Use means the correction of body weight in a supported format to avoid possible breakdowns. This approach will save you from many difficulties and will be the best guarantee that the weight will be able to keep. In the case of the "bears" course will be designed for 8 weeks and will help to ensure a soft and gentle, and the impact of the gradual loss of extra kilos.
    Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep has a negative impact on all the basic mechanisms of weight loss in the body. Moreover, not enough sleep, we consume more calories, which also has a negative impact on overall health. And most importantly - we can not fully control their reactions, become irritable, lethargic and ill-suited for successful communication with the outside world.
Of course, all of these rules can not be considered a panacea for all possible problems with the control of body mass indices. But they are quite able to prevent severe weight change in the direction of its increase and help more disciplined and systematic approach to