Top 5 Health Supplements in 2020

Top 5 Health Supplements in 2020

Are you getting enough vitamins and minerals from your food? If you are health conscious and want to make sure you are doing everything you can to maintain your immune health, it is understandable that you may be skeptical about consuming enough essential supplements from your foods, especially as you get older. For example, some people over the age of 50 have difficulty absorbing B12, an essential component of immune function, from food. Top 5 best nutritional supplements for your immune system this year: The human body requires enormous resources to function properly, especially the micronutrients that are used to support the immune system - and while all vitamins and minerals play an important role, some are more important than others. 1. Capsules Tinospora cordifolia for the treatment of influenza and SARS - natural capsules that help fight infections, and it is sometimes called "anti-infectious vitamin" because it helps the body fight viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. Recent studies have shown that boraped is a key component of a robust immune system, which is a sign of good health and is critical for building immune tolerance in the tissues lining the digestive tract. 2. Collagen to preserve youthful skin with Vista Marine Collagen Tri Peptide coenzyme with Vitamin C Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin found in many foods such as lemon juices and fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach. A water-soluble vitamin is a vitamin that does not remain in the body as it is processed through normal waste disposal, mainly when urinating. Because water-soluble vitamins are eliminated through digestion, people generally need to consume these vitamins daily. Why is vitamin C important Like vitamin A, vitamin C is actively involved in the maintenance of healthy tissue growth and wound healing. Vitamin C is also often taken with iron to improve absorption. It is important to note that vitamin C is known to stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are important for the immune system and are responsible for fighting infections. When people are deficient in vitamin C, they are more likely to have weak immune systems and are more susceptible to disease. Studies show that people require a higher daily intake of vitamin C than other vitamins, nearly 100 times the standard daily intake of other vitamins; In other words, vitamin C may be the vitamin you need to take in maximum amounts to maintain a healthy immune system. Taking enough vitamin C daily, about 100-200 mg, reduces the risk of chronic disease. 3. Fah Talai Jone, a remedy for colds and lungs - plays a role in the creation of blood cells, but more importantly, it is associated with regulating the immune system, reducing bacterial growth and improving the circulation of antibodies in the blood. Antibodies are a vital component of the immune system. In fact, the immune response is almost entirely dependent on the body's ability to produce antibodies that can fight off foreign cells, especially viral and bacterial invaders. Antibodies, in fact, are the immune system's primary defense mechanism against disease and infection; Once your immune system produces antibodies to fight disease, those antibodies will remain in the body until they are needed again. 4. Capsules from lotus seeds Dii Bua for the heart and normalization of blood pressure - plays an important role in the immunity of body cells, especially cells in the creation of which it actively participates, including blood cells, nerve cells and DNA inside cells. Research shows that lotus extract reduces high homocysteine ​​levels associated with cardiovascular disease and prevents the progression of heart disease. 5. Zinc Zinc is a mineral found naturally in certain foods, such as meat, milk, and whole grains, and is often added to processed foods for fortification. Zinc is also often the main ingredient in many cold remedies, such as throat lozenges. However, since there is no natural storage site for zinc in the body, it is often recommended that zinc is taken daily to help regulate cellular metabolism and other aspects of healthy growth and development. Why zinc is so important Zinc is often referred to as the "gatekeeper of immune function" because it is essential for a healthy immune system to function. It is a well-known mineral with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Zinc is important for wound healing and also helps the body fight infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Studies show that zinc taken at the onset of a cold or virus can help reduce the duration of the Therefore, it is often found in medicines for viral infections such as the common cold or seasonal flu. Zinc plays a special role in maintaining T cells, which are a special type of red blood cell that fights off foreign pathogens. For this reason, older people are advised to have an increased amount of zinc to enhance the immune system response. What Determines Your Nutrient Requirements? While each of these vitamins and minerals is required to support a healthy immune system, the amount required for healthy functioning depends on your nutritional needs. The nutritional needs of all people can differ depending on many factors, such as gender, age, genetics, weight, physical activity level, and the nutrients that the body can absorb through regular meals. In particular, age is one of the most informative factors about the type and amount of nutrients needed to maintain healthy infectious and immune health. For example, remember that collagen becomes more difficult to absorb naturally from food as you age; this is true for other micronutrients, especially zinc. What's the best way to take these vitamins and minerals? While it is ideal to assimilate these vitamins and minerals from food, sometimes it is not possible for people whose genetics determine a low absorption rate, or those who do not eat enough food with the vitamins and minerals present. For this reason, certain nutritional supplements are recommended to help maintain a functioning immune system. Dietary supplements can help provide your daily need for essential vitamins and minerals to support a healthy and effective immune system. Always check with your healthcare professional before taking a dietary supplement. Most dietary supplements generally recommend 1-2 capsules, tablets, or chewable tablets daily. Some immune support supplements suggest taking them more frequently at the onset of an illness to provide the immune system with faster support. For example, taking a supplement rich in zinc can help boost the immune system response, especially in people with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly or people with weakened immune systems. Strengthen Your Infectious and Immune Health with Supplements When the immune system is weakened due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, it is easier to get sick. The best way to protect your health is to strengthen your immune system with immunocompetent resources such as Tinospora cordifolia Capsules for influenza and SARS, Fah Talai Jone for colds and lungs, Zinc, Dii Bua lotus seed capsules for heart and blood pressure Collagen for preserving youthful skin with Vista Marine Collagen Tri Peptide coenzyme with Vitamin C.