Thai Food Recipes from Thai Care

Thai Food Recipes from Thai Care

Som Tum is loved throughout Southeast Asia in various forms, and we are pleased to present this detailed description for you to prepare in your kitchen. Somtam is a classic Thai dish commonly associated with the Northeast (Isaan) region, but is served throughout Thailand, including sidewalk makers.
Somtam is usually prepared in three different ways, but here we present the classics and some innovative variations. This can be Somtum Thai with peanuts, Somtum Poo with crushed rice crabs, or Somtum Lao sai pla ra with marinated oozy fish juice. Catfish is eaten there as an appetizer in the form of a salad.
We also offer a very simple pre-cooked somtam sauce that can be added to papaya for instant cooking.

For 4 people


  • 2 cups shredded fresh green papaya
  • 3 medium rum tomatoes
  • Cut a handful of green beans into 1 inch chunks
  • 2 tablespoons dried shrimp
  • 5 fresh Thai chili
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons palm sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons of pickled mud fish juice (optional)

Peel the fresh green papaya, rinse off the white milk, pat dry, then chop the whole papaya. Sprinkle a little salt, then rinse and drain. Keep 2 cups of shredded papaya and place the rest in an airtight container for later use. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
In a clay mortar with a Lao pestle, grind fresh chili (whole) and garlic. Add the green beans and chopped tomato and lightly crush (do not chop). Add dried shrimp, fish sauce, palm sugar, and lime juice. Add these foods spoon by spoon and taste. If you want to add peanuts, add now and mash lightly (optional). If you want to add pickled fish (plara), add two tablespoons of juice (optional).
Add chopped papaya and chop until smooth. Serve on a platter with fresh cabbage and green beans. Enjoy!