Himalayan salt — a miracle from the top of the world

Himalayan salt — a miracle from the top of the world

Himalayan salt — a miracle from the top of the world
Pink Himalayan salt is mined in Pakistan. The extraction is carried out manually, without the use of explosives, which usually contaminate the salt, and exhaust from machines in the extraction of common salt. Therefore, salt from the Himalayas is delivered to the consumer in a pure unprocessed form, retaining all of its unique properties.
Powerful positive effects of Himalayan salt on the skin and the whole human body has been known since ancient times. Use it inside, is actively used in cosmetics, produce salt lamps, furnish entire rooms for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract to boost immunity and overall health.
Properties and applications of Himalayan salt
The invaluable properties of the pink salt was formed over 250 million years since the Jurassic period. Characteristic pink color it imparts iron oxide, in addition to the element of salt contains about 90 minerals which are easily absorbed by the body at the cellular level. While Himalayan salt unlike regular salt is not deposited in muscles and joints.
Penetrating into the cells of the body with food or applied on the skin, the salt forms ions, which at a molecular level destroying affect sclerotic formation in the blood vessels, calcium deposits, etc. Also pink salt is one of the best remedies for cleansing the body. Because of this properties the salt has been widely used in folk medicine and home cosmetics.
Saline solutions effectively rejuvenate the skin. The simplest application of Himalayan salt is to prepare the salt solution, dip it in cotton pads and prostukivanii movements to moisten the skin. This mask remains on the face until dry. It gives the skin freshness, tones, makes it velvety. You can add Himalayan salt in a mask with essential and cosmetic oils. The pink salt electrolytes help restore the water-salt balance of the body and skin in particular. Are widely used bath with pink salt for weight loss and skin improvement.
Cosmetics with Himalayan salt
Thai beauticians Himalayan salt is administered in the creams, serums. Such funds are popular among Thai women and become popular with European beauties.
In combination with various exotic plants such creams can work wonders:

perfectly clean and exfoliate dead skin;
effectively cope with acne;
help for psoriasis;
start the metabolic processes in skin tissues;
make skin elastic, smooth;
eliminates cellulite and excess fat;
eliminate fine lines and smooth out deep;
 don't allow the skin to lose moisture, leaving it soft and velvety.

Kymlicka salt perfectly removes toxins from skin cells. At the same time neytralizuya free radicals and start the metabolic and regenerative processes.
Thai beauty with Himalayan salt
Natural cosmetics with Himalayan salt includes snake venom, snow Lotus and other herbs. Such creams expands the range of beneficial effects on the skin, complementing the unique properties of the components of plant and animal origin.
In addition, when creating a Thai cosmetics manufacturers use a unique technology that allows you to see feedback of creams the next day. The fact that the active substances are transported directly into the cells of tissues and act, transforming the skin's appearance.
Cleansing and rejuvenation occur simultaneously, so Himalayan salt is widely used in antivozrastnoy cosmetics. Flabby skin from the first minute of applying it responds to care. Every cell is alive, activate metabolism, bind free radicals, toxins and wastes. As a result, the skin is tightened, smoothed expression lines and age wrinkles. Regular use of the cream with Himalayan salt is noticeably firmer facial contours.
Buy Thai cosmetics with Himalayan salt in our interno. Direct deliveries from the manufacturer guarantee the quality and authenticity of the product.