Thai pills: what to watch out for?

Thai pills: what to watch out for?

Hazardous Thai tablets: what to watch out for customers?
The first wave of the emergence of so-called "Thai pills", first appeared in the CIS, has fallen to 90-ies of the last century and has brought many disappointments adherents of "natural healing" of the body. Counterfeit drugs containing sometimes life-threatening substances in the wake of the general popularity of drugs from Thailand were sold "under the counter", and the result of their application was quite sad.
The past years have radically changed the situation. The free sale of legal drugs appeared to reduce body weight, possessing real effectiveness. Their safety for the organism is confirmed by numerous studies. But is there a legal status of drugs that their technique can be uncontrolled? Of course not, what would you have not promised to the Internet a variety of private sellers.
Thai pills: what is worth considering?
The lion's share of the myths associated with the use of Thai tablets, connected with violation of the rules of admission. Most of the drugs does not imply the possibilities for use of alcohol, caffeine and other stimulating substances. You must also carefully follow dosage - excess of recommended amounts of the drug adversely affects the security of reception. Another important point concerns the status of the drug. Dietary supplements or dietary supplements are suitable for prophylactic administration. Funds with the status of drugs require strict adherence to dosage and the manufacturer's recommendations.
According to recent research, some natural plant components - in particular, chaparral, yohimbe, comfrey, moss, ephedra, Dubrovnik, willow bark, and even the magnolia, included in the list of especially dangerous to health at excess of the recommended dose of application. Of course, we are talking about ingestion. This is due to an increased level of toxic or allergic risk.
Allergens and toxins in Thai tablets
The most popular and common ingredients of cosmetic products may pose a serious threat to health. For example, bee products - royal jelly, honey, propolis, is one of the most potent allergens. But individual intolerance may occur in relation to the most ordinary foods: milk or chicken protein, herbal extracts. If you already have cases of allergic reactions to these or other plant components, is a balanced approach to the use of any new medicines and dietary supplements. In some cases it is necessary to even get a preliminary consultation of the allergist.
May cause natural medicinal components and heavy toxic damage to internal organs. So, it is quite harmless Siamese senna in combination with alcohol can turn into a dangerous poison that can cause liver damage. And Senna Alexandrina, noni juice and licorice can turn into poison for people with kidney disease, as affect the performance of potassium in the blood.
Preparations traditional medicine: when treatment with herbs can be dangerous?
A serious attitude of the authorities of Thailand to regulate the sale of natural medicines has been repeatedly confirmed at the highest level. Only this year have been closed several institutions specializing in trade herbs and fines imposed on the pharmacy chains, joined the Treasury a considerable amount. And the reason for that - contrary to established safety standards in the manufacture of products on a natural basis. Even quite safe medicinal plants can be a real biological "bomb" waiting to happen if their collection has been made in areas with unfavorable environment.
What can be dangerous to health medicinal raw materials?
Any plants tend in one way or another to accumulate material contained in the external environment. Moreover, this time not only for the actual growth but also for the storage of crude drug. Simply put, if the rules of the collection, storage or manufacture of drug violations in the finished product may fall heavy metals, traces of microorganisms and even insecticides. Most often revealed traces of fungi and bacteria, which are getting into the finished product, is converted into a source of drugs of biological hazards.
Another source of danger - adding impurities party who knowingly allow some unscrupulous manufacturers. For example, to achieve the most rapid effect in the means for the regeneration and rejuvenation may be used anabolic steroids, and in ointments and salves protivorevmatoidnyh - drugs NSAIDs groups. Of course, a natural cool mixed on chemical composition can not be called. And it was revealed in the course of such impurities checks has led to increasing levels of control over the production of natural herbal medicines in Thailand.
The most common sources of danger
Violations of cooking recipes - another source of danger. K etc.