How many it is necessary for the happiness of Thais

How many it is necessary for the happiness of Thais

Sanuki, Saba and Suai ... let's see what it is, from what they eat and what they mean. Probably the most favorite and popular among the residents of Thailand, and so is not clear to many foreign words that are actually vital principle and foundation of the entire world of the Thai people.
The meaning of "Sanuki" with the Thai language to Russian right thing would be translated as "fun" and translation of the word "Sabai" most Russian-speaking is understood as "good" or "nice", whereas "Suai" - one word of Russian the language is not defined. In general, there is a view of all the most beautiful and the best thing that can be a person. In general, these three words are difficult to limit the specific words of the Russian language, much rather they will describe a variety of adjectives to be exceptionally good.
How extraordinarily positive and happy people, Thais put in these words all your positive emotions and the vital principle, which adhere to all Thais, without exception.
Thailand is not for nothing called the Land of Smiles. There is grim and sad persons depressive state. Traditional Thai smiling, polite, respectful and benevolent. The incredibly positive and kind. And such an atmosphere can not but rejoice. If you want to forget about depressii- you need to visit Thailand.
The Kingdom of Thailand (Siam) is a wonderful state, located near the equator and has a hot tropical climate. Due to natural conditions, Thailand extraordinarily rich variety of vegetation, animals, birds and fish.
Many exotic fruits and vegetables you can taste only in Thailand. In the UK it is impossible to stay hungry, literally at any nearest palm tree in the center of the city, you can pick bananas, and in the river or lake just an incredible amount of fish. So go hungry in Thailand is extremely difficult, even in the most critical situation.
With regard to work and physical labor, then there is the special moments that are often not understood by foreigners. Thai people are very slow and rather lazy. Not zabyvayte- they Sanuki, Saba and Suai. This means: everything in life is good, why make a fuss, somewhere to go and what to do. Everything is done very, and if not done, means- and it was not necessary: ​​so some people speculate here. Europeans, most of whom have impulsive and impetuous warehouse nature is often very difficult to understand the half-asleep Thai who does not want to bring him some water from another department store, or who are too lazy to look for your clothing size or shoes on the shelf is located further than two meters from him.
But Thais are able and like to have fun. Cock fighting, chat with friends and family on the beach or in the countryside, at the same time they furnish dvadtsatilitrovymi pans with food, it becomes a little clear, for one day they came and decided to linger for a week, because the amount of food is amazing. Thai boxing, beach volleyball and football, and a standard lottery tickets, which people are very fond of as quite reckless. All events take place with merry shouts and laughter, just reckless and wonderful pastime.
For life was more beautiful and more enjoyable Thai people surround themselves with a variety of beautiful little things in the interior of the home and personal use. Very often on Thai vehicles can meet cartoon characters, catchy Keys or helmet in the form of a cat's head. And this can not but cause a smile. Thais do not suffer from depression, and who is a psychologist, they also do not know. Because there is no need. Fair. They live happily and definitely do not bother what awaits them tomorrow, and what a surprise will bring a new day. And not in their lexicon of the concept of "rainy day", which is so typical for the Russian, because they live for today, because tomorrow may not be.
An incredible love for life and thirst for everything beautiful is very typical for the Thai people. The main thing for them to have everything "Sanuki and Saba", which means that we must always be where the happy and beautiful. Dealing with beautiful people, enjoy the beautiful things, have a nice meal, to live with beautiful people. Often, in addition to the beauty of Thai nothing else is important, and the quality of things or mental abilities interlocutor sidelined. We can say that the Thais appreciate superficial at first glance, not bothered in detail.
Thais are extremely fond of children. There is little kings and queens, where waiters in the restaurant can drag Fota with all the bartenders and chefs, taking the child and entertaining for the whole evening; where the nurse in kindergarten meet and see off kisses and hugs; which is worn on the hands and are ready to fulfill any wish. And it really is sincere.
Of course, the atmosphere in Thailand is incredibly positive. It soars so positive energy that is difficult and sad to see what is negative. Everyone who visits this good country, received a charge of vivacity and good mood. Do not love Thais and Thailand impossible.