Women Health. How a Thai pharmacy will help with fibroids and infertility

Women Health. How a Thai pharmacy will help with fibroids and infertility

Uterine fibroids (leiomyoma, fibroids) is a benign tumor that occurs as a result of impaired growth of muscle tissue cells associated with an increase in estrogen levels. According to statistics, fibroids appear in 25% of women over 35 years old. Fibroids most often appear between the ages of 40 and 50. In most cases, female infertility is caused by reproductive disorders. Statistics say that infertility affects about 15% of married women. Infertility is discussed if a woman, with the desire and attempts, did not become pregnant after a year and a half of family life. The causes and methods of treatment of these two disorders in the female body should be considered in detail and separately. The same goes for the help that Thai cosmetics can provide.