Loss of memory and attention after Covid. How to be?

Loss of memory and attention after Covid. How to be?

Loss of memory and concentration after covid. How to recover with the help of Thai dietary supplements. Experts note that COVID-19 is a neurotropic infection, that is, a virus that damages nerve cells. When the coronavirus enters the body, the smell and taste are distorted and disappear, hair, teeth fall out, allergic reactions, skin reactions, and anxiety appear. Another consequence of the disease is memory problems, asthenia. All of the above is included in the list of symptoms of the so-called postcoid syndrome. A sharp increase in the number of patients who underwent covid with complaints of memory impairment, decreased concentration and loss of orientation in time and space began in the fall of 2020. In most cases, these problems go away on their own. But a lot of time passes: from several weeks to six months.
And for some COVID-19 patients, unfortunately, such violations persist forever. Poor memory significantly reduces the quality of life, worsens relationships with loved ones, interferes with work and simply enjoying life. Reasons for memory loss after coronavirus Neurologists note that there are two reasons for memory impairment and decreased concentration of attention after covid: stress and fear caused by the disease and contributing to increased pressure, dysfunction of the vessels of the brain; the toxic effect of the virus on the internal organs and the nervous system. In addition, problems with memory are triggered by damage to the lung virus. The organ is weakened, malfunctioning. As a result, the body, primarily the brain, receives less oxygen. As noted, most people experience memory problems after covid, and will go away with time. But if a person even before infection had problems with blood vessels, pressure, etc., then the memory impairment triggered by covid can cause complications. And changes in the brain can become irreversible. In addition, those who have recovered complain of rapid fatigue and emotional burnout. And if you do not help the body, then these symptoms can turn into chronic.
Recovery of memory and concentration of attention by natural means According to experts, the fight against such consequences of covid as memory impairment, concentration of attention, fatigue, loss of orientation, burnout is, first of all, a help to the natural forces of the body. It includes physical activity, exercises to train memory (crosswords, reading, memorizing poetry, mental games, etc.), minimizing stressful situations and, of course, taking vitamins and mineral complexes.
The Thai pharmacy includes two time-tested drugs that eliminate such effects of covid as memory impairment and impaired concentration and other disorders in the nervous system. These are the well-known and proven capsules "Ginkgo-Biloba" and "Gotu Kola". Natural capsules "Ginkgo-Biloba" The unique plant Ginkgo Biloba is called the “tree of youth”. It is confirmed that the substances contained in it provide a burst of energy, relax, soothe. Here are just some of the positive effects of taking Ginkgo-Biloba capsules during and after covid, helping to restore memory and concentration:
increased stress resistance;
improving metabolism;
normalization of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain;
lowering sugar and cholesterol levels; strengthening the walls of blood vessels; decrease in blood pressure; an increase in the supply of oxygen and glucose to the cerebral cortex; rejuvenation of brain cells;
That is, the capsules help eliminate the root causes of memory impairment, disorientation and decreased concentration. "Ginkgo-Biloba" allows you to quickly return to normal life after coronavirus, restore efficiency, ensure a blooming appearance, relieve anxiety and apathy. All this is especially necessary in modern conditions, when the pandemic has generated massive fear of the future. People are afraid of being fired due to the closure of a bankrupt company; they worry about the life and health of their loved ones. Because of what depression and stress develop, mood swings. Application: the drug is taken in courses of 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals for the first week and 2 capsules, starting from the second. One package is designed for one course. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, allergic reactions to the components of the supplement. For hypertension, hemophilia, heart attacks and strokes in the past, a doctor's consultation is required before taking. Food supplement "Gotu Kola" In East Asia, gotu kola has been used in medicine for over 2 millennia. The inhabitants of this region use the plant to accelerate the healing of wounds, for skin and venous diseases. Such properties of gotu kola as improving the functioning of the central nervous system and the brain are also widely known.