Snake venom cream: history and effectiveness

Snake venom cream: history and effectiveness

Poor environmental conditions, exposure to wind, cold and ultraviolet rays, unbalanced diet, bad habits, eternal stress and lack of sleep, the use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics, combined with irreversible age-related processes, lead to the fact that the skin of the face loses its tone, becomes less elastic and moisturized. In addition to everything, wrinkles appear on it, at first insignificant, mimic, and then more pronounced and deep. It is impossible to avoid aging, and no one has yet come up with an elixir of unfading beauty, but there are means that can prolong youth, improve the condition and appearance of the skin. These include Thai snake venom creams.
The history of the emergence of cosmetics with snake venom in the composition
The power of the powerful, destructive effect of snake venom has been known to mankind since ancient times. However, it was used not only to poison enemies, but was also widely used in the preparation of medicines that helped to cope with even the most severe diseases. At some point, it became clear that snake venom also has regenerating and rejuvenating properties, so it began to be actively used in the manufacture of cosmetics.
It all started when observant monks from the Malaysian Serpentine Temple noticed that the poison of the Temple Viper (scientific name - Tropidolaemus wagleri), which was considered sacred and allegedly possessed divine power, contains molecules that can cause not only death, but also muscle paralysis , in small doses. Since that time, the use of poison for cosmetic purposes has become widespread - to block muscle contraction and, as a result, smooth out wrinkles. The well-known botulinum toxin (botox) used as beauty injections is famous for this neuroparalytic effect.
Important! Anti-aging and caring products based on real snake venom cost colossal money, so today its synthetic analogue, artificial peptides Syn-Ake, is used for mass production of cosmetics.
How snake venom creams work
As a result of regular use of snake venom creams, nerve impulses are blocked and the muscles stop contracting. Unlike beauty injections, which are done today in expensive salons, Syn-Ake peptides do not change the natural expression of the face, do not create the effect of a frozen, immobilized mask.
In addition, unique anti-aging products:
• contribute to the launch of the mechanism of regeneration of damaged tissues and cell renewal;
• activate the process of production of collagen and elastin - natural proteins;
• increase the turgor of the epidermis;
• return a healthy color, whiten;
• remove toxins;
• normalize water balance;
• increase natural protective functions.
After applying such cosmetics, mimic wrinkles disappear, deeper ones are smoothed out, the skin looks fresh and radiant.
How to use such cosmetics correctly?
It is important to consider that cosmetics with Syn-Ake in the composition have a cumulative effect. This means that in order to achieve the desired result, it must be used not from time to time, but for a long time. Usually the course is 1-1.5 months, during which the cream must be applied daily in the morning and in the evening. But even after that, the tool must be used at least a couple of times a week. By the way, this can be done pointwise - that is, it is not applied to the entire face, but only to a certain problem area.
Note! Before applying the cream, it is necessary to perform make-up removal - the face must be clean and fresh. In order for the active components to begin to act faster and to be able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, it is advisable to carry out a light peeling in order to eliminate the stratum corneum.
It is possible to get rid of the mesh around the eyes, nasolabial folds, deep wrinkles on the forehead or in the eyebrow zone, to restore the skin to a healthy look and elasticity, without beauty injections. Thai snake venom cream is a great alternative to expensive and unsafe procedures.