What can replace sugar

What can replace sugar

Natural stevia - a healthy alternative to sugar
Why do you visit internet0magazin cosmetics? In most cases - for replenishment cosmetics and care agents. But the store "Thai Care" is ready to offer a broader perspective on familiar things, expanding the range of assets sold by the popular in Thailand, food additives and components that can greatly improve quality of life. This site makeup is difficult attributed to the category of conventional platforms for online trading. Especially because in the assortment of products there, and perfumes based on highly effective natural ingredients and balms for the treatment of various diseases, and even food, not the least of which is the stevia - a natural sweetener.
Why sweeteners?
The damage from the use of sugar repeatedly proven clinically, but was not able to outweigh the human craving for sweets. Stop and completely eliminate the "sweet poison" of your diet a few ready. And more often stopping sugar becomes possible only with the development of severe abnormalities in the body systems, when this product is really starting to carry the body to mortal danger. Obesity and diabetes, leaching of calcium from the body, violations of the vascular system of the body - it is the price humanity pays for the sweet tooth. No wonder that at all times people are looking for a real alternative to sugar and were able to find it.
Today, our Thai pharmacy implements one of the world's most popular natural products, sugar substitutes. And Stevia fully justifies this status. After all, the plant called "honey grass", from which produce this product has a whole set of advantages over conventional refined sugar:
    It offers much more than a sweet taste;
    It has minimal calories;
    no negative effect on the operation of the pancreas;
    It is made exclusively from natural raw materials;
    a very pleasant and delicate taste.
Useful properties of stevia
Like many other products of Thai traditional medicine, stevia has not a local and comprehensive action. Allocated in the processing of honey herb extract has antibacterial properties and helps to improve overall health in the treatment of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. And thanks to the ability to speed up the metabolic processes in the body, this tool is quite effective solution for introduction into the diet of people suffering from overweight. Thai cosmetics products based on Stevia and used as decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent used in the treatment of skin diseases of different etiologies. And when administered plant extract provides a diuretic effect and accelerate metabolism.
Stevia is a natural source of flavonoids - substances with a pronounced immunostimulating action. In addition, in its structure contains several tens of essential oils enabling to provide an antimicrobial effect, reduce inflammation, improve diversion of bile excreted. When planning to order cosmetics on our website, look for the opportunity to purchase stevia at a bargain price. Applied in the form of tea or infusion, it will have a beneficial impact on the functioning of all systems of the body, improve the health status of diabetes and hypertension, will help cope with the symptoms of obesity and to establish control over the parameters of body weight.
Features of the application of natural sahaorozamenitelya
Unlike many other natural sugar substitute stevia has a pleasant taste with no chemical denominated notes, and clearly superior to the "original" in sweetness characteristics. In this plant, thanks to its properties does not create favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacterial environment and contributes to the preservation of oral health. Another useful property of stevia - blood sugar level regulation with constant use. However, the tool should be used with caution in hypoglycemia.
Stevia is interesting and what is suitable for the preparation of culinary delights - it is used as a sweetener for baking, cereals and desserts. And thanks to a water-soluble formula, the plant component is well compatible with any liquid. Centuries of experience of its use of Ecuador residents only shows a complete safety of this sweetener.
However, the stevia still have contraindications - thanks to the pronounced hypotensive effect, it is not suitable for use for people suffering from cardiovascular disease, and hypotension.
To enter the "honey grass" in your diet, you should spend no more time than if you were going to buy the Thai cosmetics. It is enough to leave the online application form and place your order by choosing convenient for you to shape the application of Stevia. And in the future - follow the manufacturer's recommendations, offers products in the form of ready-Saha