Sleep and weight loss: how they are interrelated

Sleep and weight loss: how they are interrelated

Sleep and lose weight: how to increase the effectiveness of your tools for weight loss?
The fact that lack of sleep triggers obesity, scientists have begun to speak long before this fact was confirmed by practical experiments. Indeed, even the staff of the hospital Yanhee, Donated customers online store "Thai businessmen" able to buy "Thai Bears" in Russian, indicate in the recommendations for use of the drug need to sleep at least 8 hours a day and to observe a complete work and rest mode.
But why sleep, and most importantly - sleep is so important for our body? First of all, it is worth remembering that the sleep mechanisms are formed by the brain, which in artificial jet lag starts to work in overload mode. As a result - burnout, the occasional lack of sleep only dangerous general weakness and lethargy reactions. But long-term insomnia may well lead to much more serious consequences. Moreover, obesity will become just one of many symptoms of a chronic lack of sleep. And in this case, in order to achieve a successful getting rid of extra kilos, few will simply order the Thai miracle capsule.
Sleep and appetite: how are they related?
Statistics relentless. People with non-standard mode of operation and lack of sleep in 99% of cases overeat. And this is connected with changes in brain activity that provokes the desire to choosing fat and high-calorie food instead of giving a long-term saturation of slow carbohydrates. As a result, instead of useful satiety person gets empty calories and gaining weight steadily.
Can cope with this problem capsule "Thai Bears"? In fact, even receiving the most effective means for weight loss can not be complete without the restoration of its vital forces of the body. And here there is no substitute holiday, which can give a dream.
Moreover, there is a scientific justification for the need to sleep at least eight hours per day. It is in this period there are important metabolic processes regulated by hormones:
They all have a major impact on the level of appetite. And cortisol is actively produced in the body during the insomnia or lack of sleep, can cause rapid formation of adipose tissue with the simultaneous destruction of the protein cells. Unique capsule "Bears", of course, eliminate the effects of these phenomena. But if life does not change, the extra weight again will make itself felt in the near future.
10 bad habits that contribute to sleep disturbances
Taking Thai slimming capsules, it is possible to achieve the restoration of normal hormonal levels even in those who have put up with insomnia. And in order to help the body recover quickly, should start the fight against bad habits that hinder the development of beneficial hormones.
A rich meal at night. No need to go to bed hungry. But overeating is not worth it. Otherwise, instead of melatonin the body will actively produce insulin, which prevents falling asleep and suppresses the growth of beneficial hormones.
Installing the luminous display of electrical appliances and other sources of artificial night lighting in the bedroom. For the correct formation mechanisms of sleep needed darkness. Moreover, it requires the body during rest and in order to successfully lose weight.
Drinking plenty of fluids the night. Sleep should be uninterrupted. This is how the body can secure a comfortable and relaxing stay. If your night's sleep interrupted by trips to the toilet - to talk about the formation of the correct hormonal levels is not necessary.
Increased physical activity during evening and night time. Instead of rest and get ready for bed, the body is experiencing with serious overload, body temperature increases, and sleep is possible only in the morning.
Lack of sleep and rest. Choosing a course for weight loss, keep in mind that a good solution will have a choice of one and the same time to bedtime. Adherence beneficial effect on the general state of hormonal levels, contributes to a more rapid weight loss.
The computer and the TV before going to bed. Gadgets, news programs and action-fighters do not make for a comfortable environment for bedtime. And it can cause insomnia and other disorders in the nervous system.
Too high a temperature in the bedroom. Normal sleep considered for performance in 21 degrees Celsius. Anything above causes overheating and, as a consequence, a negative response.
Selecting excessively tight clothing to sleep. It is proved that the discomfort caused by the wardrobe items contributes to overheating. While physiology dictates the body to lower body temperature at bedtime. As a result, the signal that it is time to sleep, the brain simply does not reach.
Late bedtime. It is not possible to guarantee complete rest, if your morning begins at noon. Try to go to bed no later than 11 pm.
Saving darkened the atmosphere in the apartment in the afternoon