The healing properties of propolis

The healing properties of propolis

Thai cosmetics based on natural bee products have traditionally been widely used in the care of the face, body and hair. And the mixture of bee saliva, pollen and wax, more commonly known as propolis, is a big part of modern cosmetics, due to its unique vitamin and mineral composition and properties, allowing to cope with the different manifestations of cutaneous lesions, ailments and diseases caused by infectious or inflammatory factors . And on this basis produced a cure for sore throat, goiter and autoimmune disorders.
When planning to order cosmetics and health products based on propolis in the online store "Thai Care", you can be sure of its quality and safety. But, like any other product that is associated with the life of the bee families, it can provoke allergic reactions and should be used only with caution and after consultation with your doctor.
On what foundation is the effectiveness of propolis?
According to its biological composition of propolis is absolutely unique. Among its components, there are compounds that protect against radiation. And the antimicrobial properties of propolis is enough even to deal with such dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis and salmonellosis. When administered agent has a strong positive impact on the work of the blood, blood circulation and heart activity. A fenolokislotnye compounds contained in its composition, can effectively fight fungal and parasitic infections, reduce inflammation and provide a diuretic effect.
Buy Thai cosmetics and drugs based on propolis in the online store Thai Care today can even online. It is enough to place your order and we will deliver them directly to your local post office. Due to the high content of wax in the composition, the funds from this group perfectly tolerate transport and storage, as well as retain their texture and beneficial properties on as long as possible.
Propolis in folk medicine
Natural cosmetics and medicinal products based on propolis are used in various fields. But they are most often used:
    In the treatment of immune disorders. Natural capsules, lozenges, tinctures help the body get the necessary supply of energy and vitality. It is recommended for use in the recovery period after illness, as well as for prevention - during epidemics of colds and viral diseases.
    When violations of the heart and blood vessels. The high efficiency of propolis in the fight against hypertension, atherosclerotic plaque, high blood cholesterol. And with a decrease in hemoglobin level administration of drugs based on it helps to strengthen the production of red blood cells.
    When violations of the digestive tract. Unlike drugs, synthesized artificially, propolis causes goiter, provides a pronounced antibacterial effect, has antispasmodic effect, regulates gastric acidity.
    In the treatment of dermatological diseases. In this case, the most commonly used propolis, do not undergo heat treatment and has retained all its natural properties intact. Effectively this means for abrasions, formation of calluses, fungal infections, eczema and acne. Seborrheic eczema also respond well to treatment using the propolis.
    Treatment of the common cold and sore throat. In this case, the store cosmetics and natural products "Thai care" is ready to offer complete solutions, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Funds in the form of chewable lozenges help quickly alleviate throat to eliminate cough and sore.
Cosmetic use of propolis
Professional cosmetics based on propolis and today is widely used in beauty salons and in home care for face and body. With it you can fight inflammation and excessive fat, eliminate flaking and provide deep nourishment of the skin. A hair on the basis of propolis cosmetics quickly restores their elasticity and healthy shine and facilitates combing easier. Effective he dandruff, itching, it can be used in the treatment of oily seborrhea.
It should be noted that in cosmetics - creams, ointments, soaps and toothpastes, the percentage of propolis is generally not more than 5%. It is connected with high viscosity material - at a higher concentration will be difficult to achieve optimum consistency of the composition.
Contains propolis and as part of tonics for face masks and lotions used during professional cosmetic procedures. Its antiseptic components are effective in treating acne in any of its forms, acne, greasy skin and pore expansion. A means for hand skin with extract of propolis allow intensively soften and moisturize the skin, improving its penetration into the layers of nutrients and