Medicines from Thailand: without defect and forgery

Medicines from Thailand: without defect and forgery

Going on vacation in Thailand, tourists invariably sent not only on the beaches or in the souvenir shops. No less popular are they, and pharmacies, which are abundant in this country. Even the inexorable statistics show: after the cosmetics and drugs most popular high here and achievements of modern pharmacology and traditional medicine. What is the reason for such excessive demand? In fact, this phenomenon has a reasonable explanation.
Objective reasons for the popularity of Thai medicine
The first and main reason that the buyers from Russia and the countries of Western Europe are sent to Thailand for drugs - their cost. Branded drugs factory production there are many times cheaper than in the home countries of travelers. A well-developed pharmaceutical industry allows producers from Southeast Asia to maintain the high quality of the products offered for sale. It is not surprising that all drugs - from shpy or ibuprofen and finishing agents for the treatment of cancer, there remain attractive cost and fully comply with all international standards.
The lack of effective analogues - is another important aspect that affects the choices of consumers. Many drugs sold in Thai pharmacies are sold on exclusive terms and are not shipped abroad. And some of them - for example, incredibly effective pills from smoking or cold remedies that can one day get rid of all the symptoms of infection, can deservedly be called exclusively "Thai" invention.
Lack of fakes - the truth, their only guarantee direct delivery of drugs from Thailand. In all other cases - if you act through resellers or private persons, and not officially registered company, the distributor, the risk to get a fake yet exist. However, it will not be made in Thailand. But in the kingdom of Siam counterfeit medicines are fighting at the state level. As a result, buy a fake drug is impossible.
What else you need to know about Thai medicine?
It is important to note that the effect of many drugs from Thailand based on the ingredients that are well known throughout the world. But in combined assets, they can be supplemented with original plant components, enhances the effect of the main substance. And this point is to take into account those who suffer from allergies - it is better to carefully study the composition prior to purchase, in order to avoid possible complications when taking medicines.
However, the natural composition can also be a significant advantage - many Thai medicines for colds or other diseases approved for use even pregnant and nursing women. And they are compatible with most medicines and medical nature can complement the treatment regimen prescribed by a doctor.