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Forage for animals

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Forage for animals

Pet food from Thailand will please fluffy gourmets with taste, and their owners with affordable prices and good quality. It is based on natural ingredients that are incapable of harming health.
  Product Features
Thailand’s own dog and cat delicacies are few in Thailand. But in this country are concentrated industrial factories of many European brands that produce all the necessary products for nutrition of our smaller brothers. They are appreciated by a balanced composition, wholesome ingredients. Such food is quickly digested and has a beneficial effect on the body of animals.
Of the country's own brands, the Me-o brand stands out. Thai cat food and kittens from this company received good reviews among their owners. Especially praised canned fish brand.
All products manufactured in this country are tested for compliance with veterinary requirements. And the British retail consortium, which sets standards for the production of feed for dogs and cats, awarded the highest rating to leading Thai factories.

  Varieties of Treats
All products have several classifications based on different indicators. Pet food from Thailand differs:
By consistency. There are dry and wet (canned food, jelly, jellied). When choosing dry varieties, pay attention to the color of the granules. In priority - beige, light and dark brown. Avoid recommended red, green, blue shades, which indicate the presence of dyes.
By age. Thai dog food has a different composition than its counterpart for puppies. To feed a pregnant cat needs to be quite different from small kittens.
At cost. And budget options, and premium food have one foundation. Expensive formulations are characterized by the presence of beneficial food additives.
Produced products for individual breeds. They take into account the genetic characteristics of animals.
Our online store offers to buy Thai pet food. It is characterized by a balanced composition in which useful trace elements are added (fiber, calcium, phosphorus, taurine), vitamins, and natural fiber blends.

Discount "Thai care" promises prompt delivery. We are always in touch and will be happy to answer all questions.
Give your pets attention, and they will respond to you with devotion.