Noni Juice: a real elixir of longevity

Noni Juice: a real elixir of longevity

Beauty shop "Thai Care" - one of the few Russian official distributors of noni juice, means that Thai medicine attributes the most incredible healing properties. Extracted from the fruit of his plant known as Morinda citrifolia fruit or cheese. For this is characteristic of a tropical tree year-round flowering and fruiting. Thus, on one stem may grow at the same time and quite ripe fruit, and not yet blooming buds. However, until recently, this product does not cause excessive demand. It is not cultivated for commercial purposes. And the taste and aesthetic properties of the noni fruit can be called questionable, not to mention the sudden loss of freshness aroma of cheese, which is peculiar to this fruit.
However, the value and noni is not for the divine taste and delicate aroma. According to research, this product has the most balanced vitamin and mineral composition and contains valuable amino acids that are vital to the human body for normal functioning. And the residents of Tahiti, where this fruit grows in abundance, it is considered the highest concentrate of all the existing flavor combinations. Juice Morinda both bitter and sweet, has shades of salty, tart, sour and pungent. The combination, unusual for Europeans, but created by the very nature of the care of human longevity.
The noni juice is useful?
By visiting our online store for cosmetics, not only can you buy noni juice in its pure form - for oral administration, but also to make a purchase of cosmetic products based on it. In particular, it is used to generate funds from the lifting effect and intensive reducing agents for the hair. However, these properties are not limited to Morinda. And our website cosmetics and natural food additives from Thailand is willing to share information about the properties of this amazing product, because noni juice is used:
    in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases;
    as an isotonic agent and energy;
    to enhance the immune defense;
    chronic fatigue and enhance mental or emotional stress;
    as a natural antioxidant;
    to remove excess salts and improve joint function;
    as an anti-aging agent - in the framework of the prevention of premature aging.
Very popular in the countries of South East Asia enjoys cosmetics for hair with extract of Noni fruit, which has a strong regenerating action, deeply nourishes and moisturizes the hair.
But the main benefit of noni juice is in the contents of several tens (and according to some studies - up to one hundred and fifty) amino acids, which, when it enters the human body have a regenerating, toning and nourishing effect on the cellular material. Provide short-term increase in the overall body tone, improve brain function and stimulate concentration.
Especially in demand natural capsules and noni juice in geriatrics - in the treatment of specific diseases associated with age-related changes in the human body. When used regularly, this tool allows you to regulate the digestive processes, increases resistance to the effects of toxins and stress factors of the environment, provides the normalization of blood pressure. The creams noni juice has a pronounced lifting effect. And none of the Thai pharmacy now can not do without this component of tonic and restorative means.
Features of the application noni juice
The unpleasant taste and smell will not seem so repulsive, when you consider the fact that in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect does not need to take the juice Morinda liters and even glasses. It is used in small doses (not exceeding tablespoon per one time for an adult). And in Thailand frayed dried fruits are added to the composition of curry to enhance flavor and aromatic properties of this spicy condiment.
In its origin Noni tree is a relative of coffee - hence its tonic properties. And the content of microelements its fruits are similar to citrus. At the same time on the digestibility of nutrients entering Morinda is absolutely unattainable ideal. Moreover, a good interaction with the tissues at the cellular level, it provides a fast immunomodeliruyuschy effect. This is particularly valuable in the prevention and treatment of flu and colds. A Thai traditional medicine products, which include the noni juice are recommended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and can be used in the treatment of autoimmune processes.
Safe dosage extractives Morinda - 30 - 750 ml per day. Taking it into possible both in pure form or diluted with other fruit juice or water. It is only important to do so before receiving any other food, on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before a meal - best in the morning, so toning effect is more pronounced. For children of preschool age with the maximum permissible