Myths and realities of male obesity

Myths and realities of male obesity

Symptoms of obesity in women in most cases, can be seen with the naked eye. In general, to his physical representatives of the strong half of humanity are treated differently. Most sincerely believes that great in itself - with a beer belly and hair covered with pale legs. But there are perfectionists - they are struggling with being overweight, but with mixed success. However, modern society is generally quite loyal to the men who have obvious signs of excess body weight. And such connivance carries a major risk. After all, according to statistics:
    it is men who are overweight have a very good chance simply did not live up to the half-century anniversary;
    sexual activity of boys with a BMI above 30 is reduced until the complete impotence;
    overweight men increases several times the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
And this is only a small part of what threatens men even ten extra kilos. Not to mention the fact that hanging over the waistband of trousers abdomen and chin did not add even the most beautiful representative of a strong sex appeal in the eyes of women.
Male and female obesity: the main differences
Increasingly, as a panacea from all the ills associated with obesity, use special drugs. But not enough to buy Thai Bears and start taking them. It should at least understand the causes of what is happening. Namely - as a developing male obesity and what signs peculiar to him.
Before you decide to go to drastic measures and to order an effective means to reduce excess body weight, it is necessary to take into account that most of the problems in this case has a hormonal origin. Simply put, in 9 out of 10 cases of male obesity blame testosterone production which begins to decline after 40 years. Moreover, as the formation of adipose tissue, the processes occurring therein also suppress testosterone and other specific male hormones, transforming them and depriving the organism of hormone needed support.
The result of these changes is the development of obesity on male pattern - with an increase in volumes in the waist, chest. Moreover, the majority of representatives of stronger sex "biological clock" of obesity are activated to reach the age of thirty. Accordingly, the main risk group consists of relatively young men, waist circumference of more than 87 (in some cases by 96 cm). It is for them "Thai Bears" are one of the most effective ways to combat overweight. And here, as in any confrontation, we should not give up the opportunity to defeat obesity and age-related changes with minimal time and effort.
The dangers of obesity for men?
Unique capsule "bears" help fight obesity at any stage. The main thing - to observe the dosage regimen and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. In this case, you can just avoid the most common health problems such as:
    joint pain and accelerating the wear of the articular tissues;
    cancer of the urinary system, intestines, the pelvic organs;
    violation of the balance of fat and high cholesterol in the blood;
    endocrine disorders, including diabetes;
    shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.
Thai slimming capsules will be the best solution, and if obesity is hereditary or an acquired - because of sedentary lifestyles. Such unhealthy body may be accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone and physical inactivity. And in the absence of proper treatment over can lead to disability.
What is obesity in men, the most dangerous?
Two types of male obesity In total there are:
    Primary - arising from an excess of entering the body of nutrients;
    secondary - is a consequence of disturbances in hormonal sphere.
Lose weight with obesity of the first type is relatively easy. It is enough to change the daily routine and diet. But the second type of obesity is often hidden. In particular - visceral, which can only detect ultrasound. This fat covers the internal organs like the film, causing the development of serious pathologies. For example, if time does not take a course for weight loss, obesity, heart muscle can lead to heart attack or stroke, ischemia and neuroses.
Abdominal obesity or outside looks less intimidating. But it increases the risk of various types of chronic diseases, which eventually begin to torment the male body. And here it is also better not to postpone the beginning of the struggle for the future with the problem. Otherwise there is a risk that the time and effort to its elimination will have to spend much more than you would expect.
Importantly, the presence of abdominal symptoms overweight is better to check and internal organs. Especially if the extra weight just rolls over, because in this case, to avoid obesity