Linchzhi Mushroom: grants immortality

Linchzhi Mushroom: grants immortality

Shop cosmetics and natural products of folk medicine from Thailand Thai Care offers its customers many traditional countries of Southeast Asia, but potions and ingredients for making them amazing for Europe, used in the treatment of various diseases. It applies to them or fungus ganoderma lingzhi mushroom - shlyapkonozhechny belonging to the category of saprophytes - organisms that destroy wood structure and provoking the appearance of white rot. On the live trees it is extremely rare, but quite satisfied with mouldering stumps and felled trunks as habitat. Thanks to this feature, the fungus Ganoderma or Reishi can be cultivated in a greenhouse or home breeding.
Useful properties of ganoderma mushroom
More than two millennia in Ayurvedic medicine used the healing properties of reishi mushroom. And subsequent studies have shown that the researchers attributed to him by the ancient properties were not at all understated. Today, our online store cosmetics and products for the health of Thailand offers its customers the opportunity to experience first hand all the benefits of the healing properties of this product. In its structure contains polysaccharides and triterpenes, have the ability to rapidly penetrate into the cells, bringing them to the useful substances. And Reishi mushroom is used for the treatment and prevention:
    cancer and benign tumors - its impact on the sources of development of neoplastic processes validated by scientific evidence;
    cardiovascular disease - heart attacks and strokes to angina and arrhythmia;
    pathologies of the respiratory tract and lung diseases;
    Infectious diseases caused by exposure to viruses and bacteria - including hidden (chlamydia, herpes);
    diseases of the joints, bone fragility;
    allergic dermatitis and other allergic manifestations;
    migraines, IRR, nervous system disease, senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease;
    sleep disorders and excessive excitability.
Visiting the site of cosmetics and health products for "Thai Care", you can choose a convenient form for the reception of ganoderma mushrooms - in the form of dried plates or tea. Funds on the basis of lingzhi mushroom have a pronounced complex effects, no contraindications, and distinguished by the absence in the composition of dangerous toxins for health.
How to take ganoderma mushroom?
In order to effect an agent that offers a traditional Thai pharmacy was the most pronounced, you must abide by the rules of its use. In particular, one should not expect an instant effect - this means the cumulative action, is the most pronounced effects when taken regularly for six months or more. It is important to note that with preparing teas and decoctions their use is necessary to regulate a time frame. Because of the pronounced effect of the exciting means is not to be taken in the evening.
When gemorrargicheskih strokes with ganoderma therapy may be initiated only on the expiration of six months after the diagnosis of the disease. Ischemic strokes allow the immediate inclusion of funds on the basis of Reishi in the patient's diet.
Mandatory and interruptions in taking the drug - even though the cumulative effect, over time it begins to replace the function of the body's own immune system. So, sometimes it is necessary to arrange a fair shake. The break must be at least a month, and can last up to six months.
Pregnant women who consume ganoderma mushrooms for the treatment of chronic or acute forms of various diseases, can not stop it throughout the period of gestation of the child. Important - control means effect cleaning and, if necessary, to reduce the dosage.
Lingzhi in cosmetics and nutrition
Goods of Thai traditional medicine, which include fungus and ganoderma, often have a wide range of additional properties that are suitable for use in cosmetic purposes. In this case means on the basis of reishi have strong antioxidant properties, tighten and smooth the skin with no additional effort. The extract of the fungus is added to creams and lotions, and the crushed pulp is used for making the masks. In addition, he has the ability to align the complexion and narrow the enlarged pores. A compresses on the basis of this tool helps fight swelling.
In dietetics fungus ganoderma also has quite an impressive reputation. Its properties allow for a pronounced detoxifying effect, ensures decreased appetite and regulate liver function, improve metabolism and allow you to achieve a sustained reduction in body weight over a long period of time. As a means for weight loss often use Reishi as a tincture, particles steamed chopped mushroom caps or tea. Use it means half an hour before meals, washed down with water. It should be at the time excluded from the diet foods with a lot to