Helicobacter among children: an invisible danger

Helicobacter among children: an invisible danger

Gastritis and stomach pain often occur in children with stress and change of diet associated with intensive school or extracurricular loads. But even grudnichki may suffer from dyspepsia or reflux gastroduodenitis. Moreover, the younger the child, the more difficult it is to establish the true cause of the problem. And even if the kid or teenager there is a characteristic ammonia smell from the mouth, on the nature of the unpleasant symptoms of bacterial parents think in the last turn. Meanwhile heliobakterioz can develop gradually, causing a number of concomitant diseases: anemia and allergic reactions to asthenic syndrome and developmental delay.
What parents need to know?
Bad breath, the causes of which are not related to violations in the field of maintenance of the child personal hygiene, complaints of pain "in his stomach", a burning sensation or discomfort in the upper abdomen, disorders of the chair: from constipation to diarrhea, replacing each other - all this weighty a reason to start to sound the alarm. Infants Helicobacter bacteria can cause excessive belching and even vomiting, bloating, accompanied by colic.
It is especially important to pay attention to the possibility to carry out diagnostic procedures, if the family already has identified cases helikobakterioza, or is diagnosed in persons is often in contact with the child. Well, if the suspicions are not justified. But in the case of confirmation of the diagnosis, you will have time for it to start treatment at an early stage - before they have time to develop co-morbidities or gastric mucosal damage is too severe.
It is worth noting that, like many other pathogens, Helicobacter pylori can cause discomfort for quite a long time - if the immune system does not malfunction, it can be identified only by means of a blood test or stool. But at the slightest appearance of "gaps" in the body's defensive shield bacteria can develop extremely violent activity, and then the consequences of careless attitudes towards children's health can be severe.
How to treat heliobakterioz children?
An effective treatment regimen using Helicobacter which will be defeated, and the secretion of stomach - normalized, for children and adults on a mandatory basis should include coursework reception of two specific groups of antibiotics that have a detrimental effect on the causative agent. Besides simultaneously appointed h2-blockers, histamine receptors, and other drugs, allowing to normalize the gastric tone, to regulate the secretion process and restore the natural acidity of the medium.
That is the course of action "Helicobacter. Thai care", implemented an online store Thai Care on exclusive terms. It includes these antibiotics produced by well-known pharmaceutical companies, and four additional component for maintenance therapy. Complex you can buy in a drugstore, more precisely in the online shop at our website - completely ready to receive, with clear instructions on how to receive and guarantee the quality of medicines sold.
Why not rely on traditional medicine?
As with other bacterial infections of the spectrum, only heliobakterioz sensitive to antibiotic treatment. Any other homeopathic, "people", and medicines can cause a temporary relief to the state by reducing the secretory function of the stomach or the total enveloping effect on the mucous membrane. But this treatment is in itself a great danger to the health of young patients. After masking the problem rather than spending its treatment, it is possible to run a disease that is dangerous for children's development of iron deficiency anemia.
However, any therapeutic effect in any case is to begin only after the disease is diagnosed and confirmed by laboratory tests or test. In all other cases, you must first establish an accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, the benefits of the treatment is not comparable to the possible harm to which the child is able to apply correctly chosen remedy.