The liver and the gastrointestinal tract: interesting and useful ...

The liver and the gastrointestinal tract: interesting and useful ...

Diseases of the stomach: the features and symptoms of diseases
Among the digestive organs stomach has a special place, not only performing digestive function, but also by adjusting the assimilation of nutrients, as well as protecting the body from pathogens. But glitches happen even in the most-established processes and mechanisms. And the stomach is helpless under the influence of negative factors to such serious diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, cancer, and gastroparesis. Consider all possible hazards in more detail.
Gastritis and its symptoms
All types of gastritis, irrespective of their etiology, can be divided into acute - caused by the influence of various inflammatory factors in gastric mucosa, and chronic. The reason for detection of the acute form can be a long-term prescription drugs, proliferation of bacterial flora, chemical irritation associated with the intake of certain foods or drinks. Chronic gastritis triggered by disturbances in the nervous system, the bacterial flora (Helicobacter pylori), properly composed diet, prolonged intake of drugs or alcohol, the lack of in the body of vitamins and minerals. Accompanied by the disease often unpleasant sensations in the stomach, pain and digestive disorders.
Gastric ulcer: a dangerous neighborhood
Peptic ulcer - a dangerous chronic disease, implying a degree of public (affected) wounds on the gastric mucosa and submucosal layers of the body. The course of the disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission, when symptoms are attenuated or disappear entirely. Symptoms of a peptic ulcer is pain in the stomach, appearing after 3 - 4 hours after a meal, accompanied by burning pain, disorders of the digestive system.
Gastroparesis: When the stomach refuses to work?
The dysfunction of the stomach or gastroparesis is caused by violation of the muscles of the digestive organs. In this case, the promotion of food entering the body is not effectively occur, and the stomach is full, causing discomfort, vomiting, nausea, flatulence. To diagnose the exact cause of this disease and the appropriate treatment can only physician after an appropriate diagnosis.
Neoplastic processes - not a sentence
Adenocarcinoma - so is called a malignant tumor that affects the lining of the stomach. The cause of the disease can be a complicated course of atrophic gastritis, and other factors - malnutrition, smoking, alcoholism, and genetic disorders. Proceeds disease to a certain point without symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose. But modern diagnostic tools allow you to identify the disease at an early stage and to quickly and effectively remove the tumor using surgery. So, at the slightest suspicion of irregularities in the stomach, it is necessary to pay special attention to their health, to prevent the development of serious diseases.
bowel disease: delicate problems requiring immediate treatment
One of the most important parts of the digestive system - the intestines, consists from several departments, each of which requires special attention. It is here that the completion of the process of digestion of food, absorb nutrients and formed digested and do not represent the values ​​of the biological mass, further removed from the body naturally. All existing bowel disease linked directly to the development of inflammatory processes.
Most often they are the cause of infectious diseases, but it does happen and aseptic lesions caused by metabolic disorder or other factors. Another common problem - the formation of lesions, the so-called polyps, damaging the intestinal mucosa. All bowel disease can be both chronic and acute form.
intestine Colitis: symptoms
Colitis rarely occur on their own - often their appearance is due to the past history of infectious intestinal diseases (salmonellosis, dysentery) or reproduction of parasites. In some cases, in the development of colitis is "guilty" medication that can provide this kind of side effects. The symptoms of colitis can be a pain in the lower abdomen, falling during defecation and evacuation of the gases. Stool scanty, his department is accompanied by pain. Characteristic for colitis and stool disorders - constipation, diarrhea exchangeable, as well as nausea and vomiting. And you can observe weakness and lethargy, sleep disturbances and concentration with prolonged disease course.
intestinal enteritis: obvious signs of disease
Enteritis - a disease of an infectious, toxicology, trauma or other nature. Do not see manifestations of the disease is very difficult. It is accompanied by a pronounced rasstroys