The story of weight loss. Part 2

The story of weight loss. Part 2

Since the first part of my diary of my stories do not fit, then I had to create a second part devnika their diet. I wish you pleasant reading to all those interested, I hope my story will be useful to someone. The first part of my diary here.
Day 19.
Girls and boys, how much you drink the water? I started drinking a lot)) up to 2 liters per day. And all because, when ordered on this site Thai Bears, Doctor of Yanhee hospital told me to drink the water in such an amount. Not less than 1.5 liters per day. For me it was a revelation, because I never thought about the consumption of water and it does not seem to drink it) very much was my mistake, because:
Scientists have proved that drinking pure non-carbonated water is very useful and necessary for the human body. Water is life. Water is a natural way to display all the toxins and toxins, cleanses the blood, stimulates the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system, cleanses the liver and kidneys. Water nourishes every cell of our body, maintaining a normal healthy condition of the hair and skin. Water increases stamina, stimulates the brain and reduces fatigue. And most importantly of all, losing weight reduces the water consumption of high-calorie food, drowning out the appetite and increasing the feeling of fullness. I note that we are talking about water. Tea, juice, coffee, cola (oh Gods!) Is not water) is the excess calories and fat on the sides and thighs. So today my ode to the water.
As for weight loss in the Thai Yanhee Mishka, then everything is normal and according to plan. Plummet today 300 grams, it's okay. No appetite, headache, tremor, diarrhea, and neurosis, too, is not observed)))
Day 20.
Summarizing the interim results of 20 days of my diet on the course Thai Yanhee Bears announce that a plumb line for the entire period 8700 grams. Impressive, right? I am very happy with the result and confidently continue to drink his magic Thai capsule.
She feels good, do not bother. Slowly update the wardrobe, preparing for the fall, all things have become great.
Today was a day of shopping and home products I have noticed how much has changed after all, our food basket. Previously, we gained fat pork, constantly bought mayonnaise, bread, rolls, be sure to yeast dough in frozen, sugar, condensed milk, jam and butter. Now our food basket as it is itself changed. Now there are more and more often appears chicken and fish, vegetables and cheese, fresh fruit and beef, nuts. I myself do not understand how it was obtained. Moreover, all the household say so tastier and easier then you feel, there is no gravity in the stomach and overeating.
That for me is an indisputable fact, is the fact that only the intake of Thai bears gorge on I became a normal, healthy food without fat, and zazharki refueling. I have ceased to hurt the liver and pancreas, which are the very first get hit by fatty foods.
This story of a single day of my diet on the course Thai Yanhee bears. All good.
Day 21.
Today I had a hard stressful day. So there were probably a star that fell from the hands of all, all around not happy and claims, all does not work. I read that a lot of people on the background of stress begin to eat much. And since in our time in general life-continuous stress, then those who seizes the problem of course is not very lucky. Confident, many people understand what I'm saying. This tendency, and I used to be. Seizing the problem. I desperately struggled with it, but it turned out badly. I tried to walk, go shopping, meet friends, but all roads led me to the plate) On-street in a cafe, the store-there, with a druzmi-togethers. Closed and a vicious cycle of eating and fat ass in nature))) learned today that I have it passed. All are now on the contrary, the piece will not go into the throat, they do not try. Thai Bears perform miracles and continue to surprise me. So it is that today I was nervous all day and even tried to cry, there is still a plus)
Libra morning showed -410 grams, the weight began to go away again, gradually increasing the numbers. It's good. This is expected and normal, everything is going according to plan in my weight loss.
Day 22.
Today plummet 520 grams, all problems are forgotten, normal mood, state of health is excellent. I was thinking, not me today to arrange whether Chitmill ... Do I want to or not? Eat something such ...
For reference: chitmil is scheduled downloads harmful and improper food, which is very desirable, but can not. This is practiced by professional athletes and experienced dietchitsy, as well as admirers of claims and other brain drying. So, on this sacred day (who once a week, someone once a month), losing weight is a miserable man where his feet are, for example, McDonald's (most bodybuilders), pizzeria s confectionery. And there give vent to feelings. More precisely stomach))
Why do so: on the background of permanent restrictions in your favorite food develops a psychological dependence on the desire to eat the damn burger (for example), which result in failure to supply the entire system or diet. This is the first reason. And the second reason of chitmila,