BMI: what it means and what you need to know

BMI: what it means and what you need to know

BMI: what is it and why measure it losing weight?
The mysterious acronym BMI, behind which hides the body mass index designation - one of the main parameters for determining the boundaries of the norm weight in children and adults. This indicator is taken as the basis for the diagnosis of "obesity". And it is necessary to know everyone. Indeed, thanks to the timely detection of the presence of abnormalities can provide fast and efficient correction of violations.
Planning to buy a "Thai Bears" for weight control? But how to define: Do you have enough of the course or until the moment when the BMI back to normal, need to go through several stages of weight loss programs from hospital Yanhee? Consider all aspects of this option in more detail.
How to calculate the BMI?
Order a means for weight loss from Thailand to the store "Thai care" is no more difficult than to calculate BMI yourself. To obtain the desired result would be enough to perform a series of simple manipulations. In particular - to provide data on the value of your BMI is necessary to measure parameters such as height and weight. Then the mass of figures in kilograms is divided by height in meters squared (ie, for example, 55 kg:.. (1.6 * 1.6) The final result will be a BMI designation is worth noting that the norm is not to measure below 18.5 or above 24.9 BMI of 25 or higher -.. a sign of an impending obesity with such parameters can already think about the correction of weight BMI of 30 or higher -. diagnosed obesity, requiring mandatory treatment.
It's worth noting that the start to take highly effective means for weight loss - such as "Thai Bears", it is only necessary if you have a real testimony to the fact. Otherwise, instead of beauty and health in the pursuit of harmony can earn anorexia and other neurological disorders. It is particularly important to control the BMI in adolescent children. For them, the calculation parameters are somewhat different - age-appropriate. And if there is deviation in the direction of the deficit or excess body weight is in the first place to ask for help to the doctor, ability to establish the causes of unhealthy changes in the child's body.
Why is it important to monitor indicators of the BMI?
The original "Bears" - drugs for weight loss from Thailand, to help bring performance back to normal BMI. But what exactly will be the duration of the drug? Try to understand. If your indicators are overweight do not exceed 10 kg, BMI will also be in the boundaries between normal and obese. To correct this increase in weight will be enough monthly admission rate "-10 kilogram" to return indicators within the physiological standards.
At a BMI above 30 have to increase the duration of the reception. Here, after the first course will take Thai capsules need to lose weight "Bears" from the series "-20 kg". Each course is designed for reception of 28 days with a small break in between. In addition, in order to maintain the achieved results can resort to means-tested stabilizers, allowing to lose weight reduced rate for two months after the completion of the basic course.
And why do you need to monitor the performance of BMI and bring them back to normal? In the first place - for the sake of your own health. After all, with an increase in body mass index, the first to suffer life-support systems: cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory. Obesity is often accompanied by more serious diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, oncology and tumor benign phenomena properties. Moreover, the desire to lose weight in this case is not a whim, but a must. After all, the only way to avoid the risks of premature aging and the development of serious chronic diseases.
Weight Loss: How to find a normal BMI?
Effective rate for weight loss, "Bears" helps to correct indicators of body weight and reduce the amount of fat in the body. But even the most effective means to need help from outside. To consolidate the results of weight loss, just follow the simple guidelines:
    do not neglect the opportunity to lead an active life - even walking or climbing stairs are the best idle lying on the couch;
    eat a fractional, small portions, and forget about diets - dietary restrictions do not lead to health and beauty;
    learn to enjoy the achievement of results, even if they are not always in line with expectations;
    track changes in the physiological and psychological characteristics as weight loss - it will make it easier to deal with similar problems in the future;
    allow yourself small indulgences - monitoring indicators weight does not deprive you of all pleasures at once, it only allows you to make an informed choice between momentary pleasure and the other, much more important things;
    help yourself not to break - a diverse menu rich in fruits and vegetables will help to cope with the n