Effects of Helicobacter infection

Effects of Helicobacter infection

What causes heliobakterioz: hazards and risks in the absence of treatment
The existence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcer, gastritis, dyspepsia, erosion, today, thanks to television advertising, they know even infants. That's just to deal with this scourge cunning sellers offer, for the most part, not using these antibiotics, and using drugs with very different effects. That, in the case of pathogen infection not only ineffectual, but also dangerous.
After all, to create conditions for active proliferation of Helicobacter bacteria colonies can quite quickly lead to severe lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. And if left untreated for a long time due to heliobakteriozom changes can trigger the development of cancer in the digestive tract.
The heliobakterioz dangerous to humans?
Halitosis, causes and treatment which most people refer to the area of ​​dental practice may have a different explanation. If it persists even with careful oral hygiene and your dentist does not find signs of pathology in their profile, it is necessary to address to experts in the field of gastroenterology. Not timely diagnosed gastritis can over time considerably reduce the quality of your life. A pain in the stomach during long breaks between meals eventually turn into real torture, which will have to endure a long time.
Infectious gastritis, caused by bacterial pathogens, according to their symptoms differs little from the same disease caused by stress or other factors that may adversely affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Accordingly, to establish the true causes of stomach problems can only be using more accurate methods of diagnosis. For example - a blood or breath tests, are able to give more precise information about the sources of unpleasant symptoms.
You do not want to spend time on trips to the doctors? Be prepared for the fact that one day will come when most of your friends and acquaintances will avoid contact with you. Bad breath that appears when heliobakterioze just make pleasant communication impossible. Add to that the bloating, belching, heartburn after each meal, bloating, nausea and even vomiting, and along with the frustration of a chair. On the active life in the society owner of this set of symptoms to say no longer necessary. Not to mention the impossibility of carrying out their professional responsibilities - unless you work in the service sector and actively develop their own business.
Why should I start treatment as early as possible?
Helicobacter pylori - the bacterium that can survive in high acidity, producing specialized enzymes to slow the process of digestion and neutralize aggressive gastric juice. At the same time, furnished himself comfortable existence, a guest malicious damage gastric mucosa and causes irritation, which in combination with a reduced level of PH can cause the formation of erosions, ulcers, cancer provoke stomach and intestines. But all of these effects can be avoided if in time to begin treatment.
Those who are not willing to wait for an aggressive bacterial flora in the stomach will bring their order, pay attention to the course "Helicobacter. Thai care". This complex drugs, which include just two effective antibiotics, ensures gentle impact on the systems of the body, eliminating the cause of the disease and not masking the symptoms.
Thus, "Helicobacter. Thai care" is much more effective than the majority of drugs that advertising offers over the counter. A six-week course of medication allows for treatment carefully and gently, ensuring the normalization of acidity and completely eliminating patients from unpleasant symptoms such as bad breath, indigestion, heartburn, or nausea. You just have to choose: to continue to suffer from the pain associated with the absence of appropriate therapy at heliobakterioze, or get rid of them once and for all.
The Helicobacter dangerous and how to diagnose it?
The bacterium Helicobacter - one of the "unpleasant" for the human body. This tiny spiral guest acts like a "saboteur", penetrating the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum and Equipping there comfortably, gradually destroying the natural defenses and opening access hydrochloric acid to the walls of smooth muscle. Treatment for advanced cases heliobakterioza, namely the so-called all cases of infection by the bacterium, can take a long time.
But most importantly, gradually tissue damage can cover not only the pyloric stomach department, but his other field. And the ability of the muscles to contract gradually atrophies, while increasing the intensity of the development of gastric juice. Over time, this can lead to very serious n