Helicobacter: causes

Helicobacter: causes

Over the years, gastritis and peptic ulcer tried to treat with drugs that only relieves symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause of the problems. Buy them can be quite freely at any pharmacy, and traditional medicine is not far behind, offering a wide range of facilities designed to cope with the pain in the stomach, heartburn and bloating.
But in the second half of the XX century, it has been made a scientific discovery, comparable to those that once made famous Fleming in the case of penicillin. Scientist of Australia discovered the bacterium forms a spiral, the ability to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. She was named Helicobacter pylori, and today it is the bacterial factor is considered to be one of the major diseases in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Where does Helicobacter?
Half a century ago to buy drugs, which would really help to get rid of gastritis and ulcers, it was almost impossible. Today their trades almost every online pharmacy, only the "magic pill" in this case does not exist. This requires systemic treatment, which allows not only to destroy the source of danger, but also to preserve the useful microflora stomach. Such as in the course "Thai businessmen. Helicobacter", where all the components are carefully selected and interact effectively.
But how do the human body is taken this mysterious Helicobacter pylori? In fact, ways of infection, there are several, and they are all quite simple:
    Through personal contact with the bacteria carrier. Biological fluid - particularly saliva, the major source of infection. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori can be transmitted through kissing, with released when coughing or sneezing phlegm. This contact with Oxygen for it is fatal.
    Water and food. In some cases, not well washed fruits and vegetables, dirty hands and the use of common dishes or cutlery can be the cause for the infection.
    A hygiene items. Had the temerity to use someone else's toothbrush or exchanged food pieces in a restaurant with her lover? Great is the risk that soon will know about yourself breath - the main symptom of active breeding bacteria.
It is important to bear in mind that bacteria causing infectious gastritis and stomach ulcers, has the ability to affect people from the immediate vicinity of an infected person. Simply put, if someone in the family revealed Helicobaacter Pylori, should be screened for everyone. Otherwise, the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention is highly questionable.
How dangerous Helicobacter?
The main danger with Helicobacter infection is to change the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. If the norm of the produce acid that helps digest food, protects the lining of the stomach mucosa, it does not occur in bacterial lesions. A layer of protective mucus is literally dotted with erosions and ulcers. As a result, the muscle tissue comes into direct contact with an acidic medium, causing pain and spasmodic effects. And ammonia produced by bacteria slows down the digestive process, causing the development of such disorders as heartburn and bloating.
How to deal with the bacterium?
All sorts of "enveloping" and antireflux medications recommended by doctors and pharmacists in pharmacies for the treatment of ulcers and gastritis, "the old fashioned way", only mask the problem. But in a bid to start antibiotics consent to answer, not all patients. And it is - for violations of microflora, which traditionally accompany the use of radical methods of treatment. However, you can simply not be afraid of an integrated approach of unpleasant symptoms.
Especially because today you can order a set of effective "Helicobacter. Thai care", which includes just six components that can not only destroy the pathogen dangerous gastric infections quickly and effectively, but also to restore the normal functioning of the stomach. With it, you can easily get rid of the excruciating pain, discomfort in the stomach and bad breath, without wasting time on the use of "folk" or outdated medicines.