Fasting: benefit or harm?

Fasting: benefit or harm?

The dangers of diets, "Thai Bears" as an alternative to a hungry fainting
Frightening statistics, which publishes the World Health Organization, causes millions of women beating the alarm worldwide. More than 70% of women and men over the age of 20 years trying to reduce body weight through diet. 20% of them in their struggle comes to a sad end as anorexia and die. But what are the real needs for weight loss? Up to a third of the adult population of the planet really needs a correction of overweight in varying degrees. But choosing extreme ways, such as severe restrictions in the diet, you can achieve this effect is not as we show pictures from magazines.
5 main dangers of diets
The more dangerous diet? First of all - the deceptive ease with which they promise results. Getting to artificial restriction diet, we do not consider essential: the reaction of such an act of the body. And he says a diet predictably, sensing nutrient deficiency as a signal for the need to store them in the proc in case of emergency. As a result, instead of the desired harmony you get a law-governed weight gain in the near future.
However, even without this diet has at least 5 dangers that nutritionists prefer to remain silent:
    Reducing the level of immunity. This is particularly relevant issue for low-protein diets. However, any dietary restrictions, in any case lead to the formation of vitamin and mineral deficiency.
    Loss of muscle rather than fat mass. First of all, dietary restrictions do not hit on the body fat. They destroy the already impoverished muscles, which is vital for normal motor activity. Moreover, this effect may cause and carbohydrate-free diet.
    Metabolic disorders. Instead of accelerating metabolism diet only slow them. As a result, reclaimed with difficulty kilograms resumed their original location, adding waist and hips a couple of extra centimeters.
    The depletion of the nervous system. Prolonged lack of dietary fats, proteins or carbohydrates can lead to depletion of the nervous system. Anorexia refers specifically to nervous disorders and requires the appropriate correction. It also may include consequences such as bulimia, fainting, memory impairment and paralysis of the nervous system.
    Loss of tissue elasticity. Obesity - one reason for premature aging. But can it be considered healthy body withered by hunger with parchment skin, which promotes as a standard glossy magazines? Moreover, many times to lose weight women often have to resort to the help of surgeons - in other ways to remove the sagging folds of "excess" skin is no longer possible.
Not willing to lose health in the pursuit of short-term success in weight loss? Everything can be changed, without the severe restrictions in the diet. Enough to buy a "Thai Bears" - a natural non-hormonal means by which to make management of their own body weight easy and comfortable. With the help of specially selected components of the drug provides a combined effect of all factors contributing to the reduction of excess weight, and provides sustained and rapid effect in the course intake, according to the manufacturer's suggested scheme.
Forget about diets and do not get better - really
Possibility to order "Bears" from Yanhee Hospital is already appreciated by many of the permanent store buyers "Thai businessmen." Their feedback - the best proof that the tool works and helps to lose those extra kilos absolutely real women, not models of advertising. Moreover, the absence of specific restrictions make "Thai Bears" a universal solution for the treatment of obesity in men. Moreover, results from the strong sex can be even more impressive.
Another important difference, which possess original capsules from the famous Thai hospital - no need to artificially limit the diet. Included in the programs for weight loss components provide smooth and gradual loss of appetite - without harm to health and effort. Moreover, after the first year you will be able to buy healthy eating habits that reduce the risk of a return to the same volume of food consumption.
Thai slimming capsules - the optimal choice for those who want to adjust their weight before leave or return to their previous shape after the baby is born. Reinforced courses will help to cope with more serious challenges and will provide an opportunity to lose weight by twenty kilograms or more within a fairly short period of time.
Supporting programs focused on the consolidation of the results achieved after the completion of the basic course of treatment. With their help it is possible to achieve additional weight reduction, making the loss of kilos more smooth and painless. As a result, on average, a full course of diet will take you from one month to six months and will be a major step n