Goji Berries: Health Cocktail

Goji Berries: Health Cocktail

Goji Berries: valuable vitamin and mineral cocktail born nature
Perfumes and cosmetics may be many things, but not all - improvement of the body in the first place depends on the maintenance of vitality and the right balance of vitamins and minerals. They give the skin a healthy glow, your eyes - healthy shine, smile - white, and the whole body - the energy required for a successful move forward on the road to success and prosperity. But is it possible to achieve all this without effort? And is there in nature is a magical tool that will be able to provide energy charge to all systems of the body? In fact - yes, and his name: goji berries.
This fruit is a plant called Lycium Barbarum, is well known in South-East Asia. Moreover, each has a traditionally Tibetan pharmacy goji berries in various forms - in the form of dried or raw materials for brewing tea. It should be noted that regardless of the method of preparation, this means has a high efficiency and can be used as a tonic, and anti-inflammatory agent immunomodeliruyuschego broad spectrum.
Why take goji berries?
The main reason for the use of goji berries is to maintain a healthy balance between all the systems of the body. Like many other products of Thai traditional medicine, this tool has complex effects and allows you to:
    regulate the blood sugar level indicators;
    to lower cholesterol;
    improve the work of the organs of vision;
    provide intense antioxidant effect;
    improve endurance and performance;
    create a proactive protection against cancer development;
    activate brain activity;
    ensure the normalization of the glands;
    to achieve improvement of metabolic processes;
    normalize uterine tone;
    ensure a restorative effect on the body's system.
Credited with goji berries and the properties such as the ability to cure anemia, joint pain, disease of the blood, regulate the operation of the bronchi and lungs, improve sleep, and psycho-emotional state.
Goji Berries in a fight for the slenderness
Many natural capsules for weight loss today are composed of goji berries - means having the ability to accelerate even the most sluggish metabolism, improve digestion and fat burning, reduce the appetite. A pronounced diuretic and laxative effect allows you to quickly rid the body of toxins, prevents the formation of edema, which often accompany the process of weight loss and significantly complicate the process control parameters for real extra kilos loss.
The effectiveness of goji berries in the normalization of the digestive tract is repeatedly confirmed by clinical studies. Lycium Barbarum or as it is also called, Chinese barberry excels rid of constipation, stool allows you to make regular, it helps to control the volume of absorbed food and breaks down fats, providing them with a fast and efficient elimination.
Features of Chinese barberry
Goji berries, which are offered to buy our website cosmetics and health products, available for use in a variety of formats. The easiest way - to add to the diet as a condiment for salads, desserts and ready meals. You can use the Chinese barberry, and in its pure form - enough in the morning and evening to eat 20 grams of dried berries. Of course, in between the reception of this kind of dried fruits should also help your body get back on the path of purification and regulation of body weight. For this enough to eliminate from the diet of fatty foods, sweets and add a more fiber and mineral fiber.
Because goji berries have considerable reserve of energy, they are great for maintaining a healthy balance of power in active exercise. Align their reception days, when planning a workout in the gym, and the powers will not leave you all over the performance of tasks.
Goji Berries in a tea can be safely used as a natural isotonic. Brew drink raw dried bay hot but not boiling water and let it brew. Drink the infusion should be no added sugar, honey is allowed to add or extracts from citrus juice.
Goji - a natural aphrodisiac
Another aspect of the use of goji berries - increasing sexual arousal in men and women. This product has the ability to provide a stimulating, effects, normalizes the loss of libido desire, it helps to ensure normalization of testosterone - the main male sex hormone in the body.
In order to take the natural aphrodisiac it was even more pleasant, can be prepared on its basis a wine infusion. To do this, mix red wine and well washed, dried goji berries and leave for two months in a cool dark place for cooking crust