Missing kissing in a relationship? The reason?

Missing kissing in a relationship? The reason?

How dangerous is H. pylori and how to diagnose?
The bacterium H. pylori is one of the most "unpleasant" for the human body. This tiny spiral guest acts as a "saboteur", penetrating into the gastric mucosa and duodenal ulcers and equipping comfortably, gradually destroying the natural defenses and opening the hydrochloric acid access to the walls of smooth muscles. Treatment of neglected cases of helicobacteriosis, namely the so-called all the cases of infection with bacteria, it can take a long time.
But most importantly, gradually the lesions may involve not only the pyloric section of the stomach, but his other region. And the ability of the muscle to decline gradually atrophies, while increasing the intensity of the gastric juice secretion. Over time, this can lead to very serious health consequences. That is why there are symptoms in any case should not be ignored. Promptly after starting a fight with Helicobacter, you will save yourself from the mass of complications in the future.
What can complicate the disease?
It would seem that today, virtually every pharmacy is ready to offer hundreds of funds from any disease. But in the fight against gastritis and ulcers caused by this microorganism in approximately 80% of cases, the use of most pharmacists offer medicines will not be effective. At best you will experience temporary relief from the use of envelop suspensions or regulators of acidity, but the problem will remain and may lead to a complicated course of the disease, impose on such factors as:

genetic predisposition (observed in 30 to 40% of patients);
a weakened immune system;
 I blood (proven increases the likelihood of a complicated course of the disease in 35% of cases);
male gender (80% of patients with gastric ulcer men).
Smoking and the consumption of substances that irritate the stomach (caffeine, alcohol).

Non-healing erosions and ulcers, painful sensations "under the spoon" made worse by skipping meals, digestive disorders: heartburn and burping to vomiting. Sharp and unpleasant ammonium breath. Replacement cells of the gastric and intestinal epithelium, as a consequence, a sharp increase in the risk of developing cancer. All this is dangerous, what is left without attention for many years. Moreover, sometimes even the doctors don't care to send the patient for analysis for H. pylori, even if for this purpose there are all bases.
Is it any wonder that the disease after a few years of active life bacteria (which, incidentally, can vary with the season) into a more severe stage. And among the symptoms of heliobacteria there are such moments, as education is not aesthetic skin rashes, the development of atopic dermatitis, increased flatulence, the development of cardiac and vascular diseases.
When it's time to diagnose?
Tests for H. pylori is one of the easiest and fastest ways to diagnose. No need to spend time on blood or feces of the patient to carry out complex research. Special apparatus - the tester simply measures the concentrations of ammonia in the exhaled gases. When exceeding a certain concentration is diagnosed the presence of Helicobacter pylori. In case of doubt is to conduct research again, or to Supplement it with blood. The fact that the dormant bacteria are not too annoying to the wearer and can for years to conduct "subversive" work, waiting for the decline of immunity.
The most informative and accurate among these variants is considered the diagnostic test of H. pylori as indicated by 13C. It is important to ensure before the vote, the bowel, excluded from a menu foods that cause flatulence, and the last liquid (water, tea) should be consumed no later than an hour before testing. The only way the results will be most reliable.
If you have already diagnosed heliobacteria, to cope with the problem will help, "Helicobacter. Thai care" is a complex drug, composed of two groups of antibiotics that effectively destroy bacteria in a short time.
How is infection with Helicobacter pylori?
The Helicobacter bacterium that affects the gastrointestinal tract has the unique ability to survive even in extremely acidic environment than are unable to "boast" of its competitors, for which low PH is a serious obstacle to reproduction. The danger of this pathogen is the high level of adaptability and disrupting the normal functioning of the affected organ. Like many other bacteria, it is distinguished by:

innate ability to survive under certain conditions to create a comfortable environment;
 the ability to corrupt and cause degeneration of the tissue;
generation of toxic and hazardous substances in the life process;
having the ability to initiate the development of specific infection;
resistance to the protective factors of the immune system, H. pylori can be a long time to exist without showing itself.
Once in the human body, the bacteria begins to settle in a new environment. Place of its habitat becomes the mucous membrane of the stomach, which is under the influence produced by the urease parasite gradually loses its protective properties, becomes loose and vulnerable to the development of various pathologies. But most importantly, it begins to flow of gastric juice, which is a concentrated hydrochloric acid, to the surface of the wall of the stomach. This, in turn, causes gastritis, erosions and ulcers accompanied by painful sensations, digestive disorders. And the intensive production of neutralizing the gastric juices of the substances leads to the fact that the secretion of this organ is enhanced, in an attempt to restore the "status quo", and leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive tract.
How and why infection occurs?
Infectious gastritis - a disease that is massively observed in countries with low standard of living. Social insecurity, lack of access to clean water and basic benefits of civilization leads to the fact that the adult population is affected by heliobacterium almost 100%. Among children the figure reaches a significant level - about 10% for preschoolers, with an increase in the spread of infection as they grow older.
In developed countries statistics of infection more favorable. But even in countries with a high standard of living, the risks remain. Moreover, the older a person is, the higher the chances to identify his defeat by Helicobacter pylori. However, bad breath is one of the obvious signs of heliobacteria often "blamed" for age-related changes in the body. And painful sensations in the stomach, flatulence, heartburn and belching are often referred to as manifestations of a slow metabolism. But statistics is relentless - at the age of 40 years diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori in five of the surveyed patient. At the age of 60 years and older - every second. To confirm the absence of Helicobacter pylori, breath test it is recommended to place all adults with digestive disorders.
Transmission of H. pylori, as well as many other infections that occurs in different ways:

through dirty hands if contact occurs with the oral cavity;
via poorly sanitized food and drinks (juice, water);
when patient care is through contact with fecal and vomit;
through the saliva, by kissing or common use of personal hygiene items or Cutlery.

To identify the presence in the body of infection, if the test for H. pylori object of the study can be exhaled gases, blood or stool, less commonly, material obtained at biopsy. And if diagnosed accurately and completely, the treatment should begin immediately. To cope with the disease in the shortest possible time and with assurance of complete cure will help course "Helicobacter. Thai care". He has the most balanced squad, able to provide a rapid and effective therapeutic effect on the cause of the disease - a dangerous bacteria, and helps speed up the healing process of ulcers and erosions, at the same time normalizing the acidity and regulating the production of stomach secretions.
Do you believe in the freshness of his kisses?
Scary "tales" and at least the harsh reality is such that today to kiss with a new or even a well-loved and trusted partner it is useful to ask the doctor about the condition. And it is not even in the insidious urogenital infections. Source of danger can become Helicobacter is a bacteria living in the gastric mucosa. It was he, striking the gastrointestinal tract, causes pathologic changes in the microflora and on the walls of the stomach, causing ulcers and erosions. As a result of infection over time (of course, in the absence of proper treatment) could be the emergence of a much more serious health problems, including cancer.
You still believe in the freshness of his kisses? Just remember: every fifth adult is a carrier of bacteria, and to identify Helicobacter pylori, breath test need to be conducted under the guidance of experienced professionals or to combine it with a blood test. After all, with a healthy immune system the disease is often asymptomatic, leaving no chance of her identification of outside medical intervention.
Will the pharmacy?In the age of enlightened patients and overworked doctors, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases at the mercy of advertising. And here we are happily rush to the drugstore to meet friends at the commercials bright boxes with beautiful slogans. However, the improvement did not come. Moreover, instead of a fresh breath, you begin to follow bad breath, and kisses, of course, have to forget. Like many other joys of life. Because now you will not be able to fully enjoy a hot and solid food and fatty meals and plenty of protein in the diet will inevitably lead to one result - nausea, bloating, feeling of heaviness, heartburn and even vomiting.
Of course, modern pharmacy will offer dozens of drugs for every taste. Here only a pharmacist is unlikely to report that to destroy the bacteria to antibiotic. But not alone, and in combination with other antibiotics of a particular group to which sensitive Helicobaacter pylori, and special preparations-inhibitors, whose action is directed on restoration of normal gastric secretion.
Infectious gastritis: how to return to normal life?
Disgusting bad breath, causes and treatment which most of us tend to look for not where need is not a disease but a symptom that your body is something beyond the norm. Accordingly, the identified infectious gastritis must be treated as quickly as possible. And here you come to the aid of a special course "Helicobacter. Thai care". You can buy it at the pharmacy on the virtual shelves of our online store, you can in the shortest possible time and with delivery directly from Thailand.
Unlike many other "pharmaceutical" drugs "Helicobacter. Thai care" contains these antibiotics have been selected taking into account features of of treatment is Helicobacter pylori infection and the course of auxiliary components to achieve the desired result will be much faster and more efficient. Simply provide their reception according to the specified schema, and to complete six weeks of the treatment phase is to conduct control testing, allowing to establish the presence in the body of the pathogen.
Your personal life long time, no happy bright events and feast for the senses. About the kissing and hugging do not have to think of flatulence, abdominal pain and halitosis? You have the chance to turn the tide in their favor. The main thing - to remember that treatment will have a partner. Otherwise there is a risk that barely recovered from the Helicobacter, you will receive simply by joining into close contact with a carrier of this dangerous bacteria. And there can be no two opinions that concern for health should always come first. Accordingly, even if the partner is not ready to undergo diagnosis and treatment, to solve the problem will be in pairs. Otherwise even the most effective drugs such as "Helicobacter. Thai care", will not be able to provide a full guarantee against re-infection.
How not to ruin your life because of unpleasant mouth odor?
For the first time feeling bad breath, most people do quite naturally: goes to the dentist to discover the source of the problem. But it also happens that bad breath stays with you after its possible causes is excluded. Of course, you can buy over the counter mouth freshener or not to part with the mint gum. But over time the problem may increase. And then - good-bye, successful career, active social life and personal relationships. Gradually purely cosmetic, at first glance, the defect can create serious barriers to communication with others. But most importantly, to the disgusting odor of ammonia is added to belching, heartburn, pain in upper stomach, bloating and flatulence, to put up with that will be much more difficult.
Why it appears?
If there are no dental problems and you are devoting enough time to personal hygiene, cause of bad breath can be the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, a microorganism, a parasite in the gastric mucosa. This intruder could not exist in the air and prefer to choose the place he inhabits the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. Penetrating into the mucosa, the bacterium produces urease, which allows it to neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid, fill the stomach. And then, by being active, leaving the mucous protection of the smooth muscles of the serious gaps and opens access to soft tissue acid. In the end, on the walls of stomach ulcers, erosion, polyps and other tumors. And the body begins to produce abnormal amount of gastric secretion, trying to cope with the changes in the environmental acidity.
The reason for the appearance of infection in the body, as is the case with other pathogens, is contact with a carrier of H. pylori. And in the case that the body's immune system is unable to cope with the emerging threat, the colony gradually expands, producing increasing amounts of ammonia and carbon dioxide, which leave behind a "trail" of the unpleasant aroma.
Fighting on all fronts
For the treatment caused by the activity of Helicobacter pylori disease heliobacteria antibiotics are used, prices at drugstores which is hardly gentle. Moreover, before proceeding directly to the therapeutic effects, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. It helps to do a test for Helicobacter, retaining a high content of ammonia and carbon dioxide in the breath. In addition also apply the traditional methods of diagnosis - blood test or stool.
To left breath, treatment should start as early as possible, if possible immediately after identifying the exact causes of its appearance. Here, our online pharmacy is glad to offer to use modern set of tools for the treatment of heliobacteria. "Helicobacter. Thai care" are the six drugs used in strict accordance with the recommended scheme. It's this combination that gives the best effect and helps to quickly deal with such unpleasant symptoms as bad breath and indigestion.
Opportunities, that gives in the treatment of problems associated with the manifestations of H. pylori, Thai pharmacy, official site which you have probably not visited in the purchase of health products from Thailand are not comparable with the proposals of domestic manufacturers of medicines. But most importantly, the drugs work in the complex, helping to cope not only with external manifestations of the disease, and completely destroy pathogenic microorganisms, allowing areas with erosions and ulcers to quickly restore its original handling and protection of the secretion of the stomach.
Thus, it is possible in a relatively short time to get rid of serious health problems. And, most importantly, buy "Helicobacter. Thai care" in the form of completely ready for a course receiving property is quite cheap - without overpaying and trade margins, getting medicines high level at an affordable cost.
Why heliobacteria unpleasant smell from the mouth?
Fresh breath is not just a standard of hygiene that you must follow, but also a kind of tribute to the norms of public order. Simply put, respecting the hygiene, we show others respect for their personal space, which should not interfere with foreign and sometimes very unpleasant aromas. But the situations are different. And when there are problems with the stomach, accompanied by the breath, the search is able to disguise his medicines sold in pharmacies, can turn into an endless running in circles.
Why does my breath smell?
Our Thai pharmacy delivering the product from a warehouse in Thailand, is often confronted with the substitution of concepts in the treatment of heliobacteria. In fact, instead of real methods of treatment, doctors either prescribe drugs that only temporarily relieves the problem, does not impact on the main source of danger, or even offer to "leave it there", forgetting to tell the patient about his precarious gastritis, gastric ulcer and other "nice" additions that threaten the growth of colonies of H. pylori.
It is necessary to remember all the medications from the area of maintenance therapy is assigned when heliobacteria only in conjunction with antibiotics, and two groups. So it is possible to destroy the bacterium is able to survive even in hydrochloric acid. In fact, it is the products of its activity, produced to neutralize excessively acidic environment and are a source of disgusting aromas accumulating in the mouth. Producing urease, which then decomposes into ammonia and carbon dioxide, Helicobacter pylori gives a considerable discomfort to the wearer and the people around him. But, more importantly, in the absence of specific treatment, the scale of the problems in the future can be immeasurably greater.
It always smell associated with bacterial factors?
In fact, to diagnose heliobacteria can only be a doctor. Methods for the discovery of the body there are many. But the most popular and painless are breath tests for Helicobacter detecting the excess concentration of ammonia and carbon dioxide in exhaled air. It should be held before starting the search for drugs in pharmacies, focusing on loud advertising promises.
The appearance of unpleasant mouth odor is a symptom of the disease, which can indicate hidden health problems. And not always they are guilty Helicoibacter pylori. In a number of inflammatory diseases of ENT-profile purulent lesions of inflamed tissue can produce an unpleasant odor while remaining hidden. Abscesses in the gums or periosteum can also be a cause for odor. And the initial examination at the dentist may not identify problems - in this case it is better to do x-rays.
That will help get rid of the smell?Looking for how to get rid of bad breath caused by bacterial infection? There is a comprehensive solution to achieving effective relief from this unpleasant symptom and calling it reason. "Helicobacter. Thai care" is a complex of drugs oriented course admission and consisting of six components that complement each other. Carefully selected recipe will soften the antibiotics losing their effectiveness. In the end, you can not be afraid of goiter and other manifestations associated with the disruption of the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. And after a month and a half after the start of treatment on the breath and other signs of diseases of the stomach, caused by infection heliobacteria, it will be possible to completely forget.
It is important to note that due to the infectious nature of heliobacteria to pass inspection with detection of the pathogen will have all members of the family. Otherwise, even the most effective treatment will not give significant results due to the fact that there is still a high risk of re-infection. If the bacterium was detected in all family members, to undergo a course drug will have mass in order to avoid development of more serious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
What to do if bad breath?
Bad breath - a phenomenon, unfortunately, not uncommon. According to statistics, it was observed in 8 out of 10 inhabitants of the Earth. And everyone is struggling with this unpleasant phenomenon independently because of their own ideas about treatment. Someone buys drugs, is presented in pharmacies, and is included in the endless pursuit of the "most effective means", which for the umpteenth time is a waste of money. Someone prefers natural remedies and decides not to waste time on diagnosis. Someone chooses a third way and arranges the marathon races for a doctor's office, trying to figure out the cause of unpleasant symptoms. So what is the option can be considered correct?
A bit about the causes of unpleasant odors
Sadly to realize it, but approximately half of the cases note the odor from the oral cavity account for improper hygiene of the oral cavity or ENT diseases. But the second half has nothing to do with deposits of food in Mizuno space or tooth decay. They have bacterial in nature and are caused by an infectious pathogen called Helicobacter pylori. It causes suffering, to deal with that without the use of complex therapy and antibiotics impossible.
Those who are faced with the problem of gastric ulcers, dyspepsia, gastro or infectious gastritis is caused by bacterial phenomena, our Thai pharmacy offers drugs delivery from our warehouse in Thailand. Effective and very popular complex "Helicobacter. Thai care" focuses on complete deliverance from the unpleasant smell in the shortest possible time. It helps to cope with all the unpleasant symptoms of heliobacteria within two weeks of the course with the subsequent monthly supportive therapy.
Getting rid of H. pylori and its symptoms painlessly
What can be offered, if the search of drugs that offers a doctor, does not bring results, and an accurate diagnosis is still not installed? You can select one of the available solutions to the problem:

Make an analysis of the Helicobacter from another doctor, establishing an accurate diagnosis. In this case, the treatment will be more effective, but will require time. Yes, and gastroenterologists are not always ready to offer adequate treatment. Even among physicians there is a perception that the presence of H. pylori in the body does not need treatment. The result of such carelessness or negligence of the sad - gastritis left untreated, quickly transformed into a peptic ulcer disease, and under favorable circumstances can and does cause the degeneration of tissues and cause cancer.
To trust traditional medicine, relying on the wisdom of the ages. However, against bacterial infection not yet found an effective replacement for antibiotics. But this does not stop many patients of gastroenterology departments of hospitals, year after year repeating the mistakes of others and find themselves in a hospital bed with complications of peptic ulcer disease or severe gastritis.
Try to overcome bad breath with the help of various air fresheners for the mouth, mouthwashes and chewing gum. This method even helps to reduce discomfort from the symptoms of the disease, does not allow for a radical solution to the problem.
Stop looking for what medications will help experimentally, and turn to time-tested options. The Course "Helicobacter. Thai care" includes the two most effective antibiotics to combat the symptoms of the disease caused by the presence in the gastrointestinal tract bacteria Helicobacter. It provides high intensity with simultaneous regulation of the stomach, normalize the development of his secret and improve tone.
Which of these options to choose - everyone solves itself. But, perhaps we should consider options for giving real chances of a full recovery from unpleasant symptoms, rather than hiding them behind extraneous smells. And here it is possible to recommend the only way to purchase an effective six-week course, "Helicobacter. Thai care".
What may indicate the occurrence of an unpleasant smell from a mouth?
The availability of medicines and personal care products that ensure fresh breath 24 hours a day, markedly increased the standards in the field of communication between people. White-toothed smile has become a passport to another world, where people demonstrate the desire to success and prosperity. But even the most skillful work of modern dentists can spoil the breath that arise for different reasons and can significantly complicate the life of the man, not wanting to shock others complex aromatic composition of his own breathing. But what could be causing these symptoms? And when it's time to start the search for drugs in pharmacies and to sound the alarm?
Food with pronounced aromatic properties
Spice with a pungent and sharp flavor, onion and garlic, consumed during meals and other products, having a pronounced flavour properties - all of which can cause a lot of problems in communicating with others. But what to do if a tooth brushing is not available, and there is still a working day? You can pre-purchase medications in the form of sprays or chewing gum, allowing for time to mask the unpleasant aroma. But radically to solve the problem it will not help.
Not careful hygiene
Not enough to just brushing the teeth after eating. Still need to regularly use dental floss which helps to remove food debris from the oral cavity and interdental spaces. White coating on the tongue should be carefully cleaned, often, it becomes a haven for bacteria that cause bad breath.
Diseases of the oral cavity also contribute to the emergence of a not too pleasant aroma. If visible cause for concern, you should contact your dentist to identify any hidden problems. For example, the reason may be suppuration in the periosteum or inflammation of the soft tissues of the gums under the teeth.
Various chronic diseases
If your daily menu includes an extensive list of medications required to treat the underlying disease, about the freshness of the oral cavity care is not necessary. Even popular NSAIDs taken for pain syndromes, irritate the stomach and can disrupt the normal flow of the digestive processes. What can we say, for example, diabetes, which many are faced with dryness in the mouth associated with insufficient secretion of saliva. The gums and tissues of the teeth in this case are not cleaned from the remnants of food and completely covered with foul-smelling bloom.
If a strict protein diet, and bulimia and anorexia are observed distinct signs of formation of putrefactive and even fecal odor in the mouth and stomach. Of course, talking about fresh breath in this case too - we need to work with eating disorders.
Diabetes pronounced sweet smell similar to the scent of rotten fruit. When kidney failure bad breath to give ammonia and fish. In any case, such symptoms are a good reason for going to the doctor.
Problems with the stomach, accompanied by an unpleasant aroma with a distinct touch of ammonia can be caused by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. Helicobacter pylori is a dangerous neighbor, a healthy immune system is not aggressive in relation to gastric mucosa. But if the organism to fail, and the process of developing colonies of bacteria will become an avalanche. In the end, in addition to the smelly breath you get gastritis, peptic ulcer, and in particularly severe cases - the development of cancer.To diagnose heliobacteria with high precision to help professionals in the field of gastroenterology. All the procedures will take a little time. And after the diagnosis is made, you will be able to choose and order in our online pharmacy course "Helicobacter. Thai care", easily coping with the manifestations of bacterial infection. The presence of drugs and prices on the medications you can specify when ordering. The regimen recommended by the manufacturer and provides for a two-week reception all included in the products, and also month course - without antibiotics.
Bad breath: eliminate the cause, not the symptoms
Halitosis, the causes of which are not associated with the presence of chronic diseases, adherence to specific diets or violations of hygiene of the oral cavity, may be due to bacterial infection caused by Helicobacter pylori. In this case, no measures of influence, like taking drugs to regulate acidity, will not help to achieve successful treatment.
But, more importantly, fascinated by the treatment of symptoms, you can get dangerous diseases, which will lead to the formation of chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and other common health problems. So is it worth the risk, delaying the real treatment "for later" and trusting his treatment of the homeopaths and masters alternative medicine if antibiotics are included in the course "Helicobacter. Thai care", kill Helicobacter pylori without a trace just two weeks.
How to recognize the infectious nature of the odor?
Not having special knowledge and diagnostic equipment to determine the infectious nature coming from mouth unpleasant odor is virtually impossible. Moreover, in renal insufficiency, the odors will also wear distinct ammonia in nature. But wrong treatment may only make the problem worse, leading to a sharp deterioration of the patient.
Breath, causes and treatment of which have been well studied, may be a symptom of a bacterial infection. But to establish the exact diagnosis in any case have to perform the appropriate diagnostic procedure. For example, to do a breath test for H. pylori - it can be used to diagnose in adults and children, painlessly detect the presence or absence of elevated concentrations of ammonia and carbon dioxide, produced by Helicobacter pylori in their life. In addition, the quality of the diagnostic measures can be used blood tests and stool or biopsy of stomach tissue.
How is the treatment?
If heliobacteria diagnosed and installed, start the treatment is not waiting until the disease gets out of control. It is worth remembering that the only effective remedy in this case would be the combination of antibiotics with drugs for the regulation of acidity and secretory function of the stomach. It is the complex therapy allows to normalize the state of health and creates conditions for scarring of ulcers and erosions in a natural way. It is necessary to consider that this therapeutic effect is not precisely be quick - so, the complex "Helicobacter. Thai care" is designed to two weeks of antibiotics and then a month of maintenance therapy.
Infectious gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori causes not only an unpleasant smell. He breaks the process of digestion, making it impossible for the normal flow of the digestive processes. Causes flatulence, bloating, heartburn, and acute over - nausea and vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen. After receiving the complex "Helicobacter. Thai care" all these symptoms are eliminated within a relatively short time. And due to the fact that the total duration of course is six weeks, the gastrointestinal tract time to fully come back to normal.
Do I need a special diet to fight bad breath?
If bad breath is caused by infectious causes, it is impossible to expect that its treatment will help to diet or receiving people's funds. Bacteria are killed by the antibiotics. But to help the body to quickly restore power in the fight against Helicobacter. It is sufficient to restrict the diet by analogy with what is observed in normal non-infectious gastritis and gastric ulcer.
Worth at the time of treatment and to refuse from such irritants like alcohol, Smoking, caffeine, tonic and carbonated beverages. It is recommended to exclude fatty, fried, smoked, to limit the use of sugar and spices. In this case, the healing process will go faster, and erosions and ulcers formed under the influence of pathogens, can painless scar.