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Тайские скрабы для тела - это что-то невероятное! .. ...»
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Мария Ри
Добрый день! Я сегодня уже оставляла отзыв о шелко.. ...»
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Екатерина Шнырова

Thai scrubs

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Thai scrubs

Scrub (scrub) in translation from English means "to rub, clean, scrub." From the definition of the word it is clear that scrub is a means for intensive cleansing of the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Scrubs are made from abrasive particles (in natural scrubs it is cane sugar, fruit seeds, husks and tree bark) and from a softening gel or emulsion base (in natural scrubs in the form of cosmetic clay, healing mud).
Clay-based scrubs are more suitable for oily skin. They successfully cope with oily sheen and reduce enlarged pores. For skin prone to dryness, it is better to choose scrubs on an emulsion basis. Such a scrub will successfully cope with the tightness of the skin and retain moisture inside without damaging the skin.
The principle of action of scrubs is to remove dead skin particles from the surface of the epidermis. When the dead skin particles are removed, the cells are intensively regenerated and rejuvenated. Blood circulation improves, oxygen access increases. In order not to injure the skin during the cleansing process, emollients are always present in high-quality Thai scrubs. Natural antioxidants are present in natural scrubs to prevent inflammation. After cleansing the skin with a scrub, the face becomes fresh, smooth and radiant.
It should be remembered that in order to avoid thinning of the skin, do not abuse the use of scrubs. Beauticians recommend owners of oily skin cleansing 1-2 times a week. And for owners of dry skin, apply a facial scrub every 1.5-2 weeks.