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Мне очень нравится эта пудра в 23 оттенке. Я подсе.. ...»
Добрый день! Получила свой долгожданный заказ, 4й .. ...»
Отличное средство и от пота и от запаха и для проф.. ...»
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Я в восторге! Благодаря, этой пудре удалось подсуш.. ...»

Sun protection

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Sun protection

A bright summer sun outside the window early in the morning, a guarantee of good mood for the whole day. We all love the warm rays of the sun. It's so nice in the warm days to meet with friends, stroll along the waterfront, to go to the barbecue or go swimming in the sea, river, lake. But the coin has a reverse side. And the sun's rays have harmful ultraviolet light. That has a devastating effect and powerful effects of photoaging. Scientists and doctors do not recommend to stay in direct sunlight from 12.00 to 16.00, because in those hours the sun's rays have a high degree of activity. While at this time in the sun, the skin is very easy to burn, which leads to the destruction of the cells and loss of skin moisture. The skin thins and sags.
But even if being on the street is not associated with active recreation and sunbathing, facial skin should always be protected with a cream or sunscreen, because without noticing, we spend a lot of time in the open air, and fall under ultraviolet light. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. This is very important in the current environmental situation.