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Очень классная. Покупала когда отдыхала в Тайланде.. ...»
Очень хорошая эмульсия. На мою кожу не жирную и не.. ...»
Здравствуйте. Да, можно.. ...»
Администратор Надежда
Здраствуйте, на подбородок можно применять?Спасибо.. ...»
Объем 150 мл.. ...»
Администратор Надежда
Здравствуйте Так бывает, когда мы меняем карточки.. ...»
Администратор Надежда


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 Unchanged item in the daily care of the face is skin cleansing. In today's pace of life, when the body is exposed to daily stress, lack of sleep, the action of a bad environment and poor nutrition: all this puts a mark on the appearance. The skin loses its shine and beauty, becoming dull, sags and becomes thinner, formed inflammation and irritation. To avoid these troubles, it is necessary to provide high-quality daily cleansing of the epidermis with a properly selected cosmetics.
 Half board daily cleansing it is necessary to man as air. In the morning, after sleeping, it is necessary to release the pores of accumulated sebum per night and household dust. This allows the cells to fully receive oxygen and nutrition. And in the evening, when all the fatigue of the previous day with the harmful emissions, dust and residues left on the face of cosmetics.
 Proper daily cleansing and prevents the development of inflammation and the formation of acne and acne, protects the skin, nourishes and fills with moisture, allowing the cells to breathe and regenerate, rejuvenating.
 It should be remembered that the cleansing agent for each skin type is chosen individually. Exactly how and ways of purification. This may be a washing cleansing foams and gels or washing using natural soaps. Alternatively, purification of the epidermis using lotions and tonics, as well as special tools for removing make-up.